Chapter 10

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Piper POV

    Our first day at school was great, if you call great getting beat-up 10 minutes into school, having your own side of the lunch room because people refuse to sit by you, being forced to sit in the back of the classrooms, and wearing ugly gray shirts with a dove on them. If you consider that awesomely fun then I feel sorry for you because my day literally sucked. The pink glow around me had gone away but that didn't last long as soon as our demigod bus pulled into camp we all lit up like a Christmas tree (IRL: its not good Hazel, I lit up like a Christmas tree. That cancers everywhere) again. There was honestly no escape to this big demigod segregation. We aren't allowed to go home yet so we all have to stay at camp and take this bus to and from school. The army people do a head count of every demigod before we can get on the bus, today after school when they were counting we were one short. I looked around and instantly realized who it was, Percy. Lets just hope he wasn't trying to get away because that would be bad, real bad. 3 army guys charged into the school carrying guns, about 5 minutes later they came out with Percy pushing him over to the bus. "Where were you!?" Annabeth hissed.
"Uh, no where" Percy responded blushing
"Were you trying to escape or something" Annabeth whispered.
"No, not exactly"
"then what were you doing"
"I was in the bathroom, gosh can't a guy go pee without guns pointed at him! That would be nice!" Percy said loud enough for the guards to hear. "Watch your mouth Jackson" One of them threated. "Watch your mouth Jackson" Percy mimicked back quieter this time. After that we were hauled onto the demigod bus, we called it the Happiness Ender secretly, and drove to Camp Half-blood. All seven of us sat in the back and talked so no one else could hear what was said, "Percy hows your..everything" Frank asked. "Uh, fingers still broken, knee still swollen, thanks to the army I still have to pee" Percy answered. "Hey, guys" Nico says turning around in his seat "I think I may have an answer to our problem." "Go on" I say. "Well General Bradshaw hasn't mentioned anything about the hunters has he? Thalia is still out there, maybe she can get some inside information for us. And get in contact with Reyna, the Romans are a lot more stubborn then Greeks. I wonder how they're holding up." Nico said. "Okay one Ouch man, and two Nico you're a freaking genius" Jason said fist bumping Nico. By this time we were already pulling into camp but another van pulled up next to us. Did they find more demigods to crowd the camp, I looked over threw the window and saw silver jackets and arrows. This day was just getting better and better.

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