soul fuck

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( i posted this in my rant book a while back and decided to post it here too )

he was fascinated with her, but she would not look at him unless she wanted to fascinate him even more

she was so time consuming, so difficult to understand - and she wanted it that way

he wanted to sneak through her crevices
fill her mouth with liquids she'd never tasted before
wanted to feel his fingers seep through her rose petals with graceful ease

and although she was well known for doing that sort of stuff, he did not mind

he wanted her to experience it in a way she never had before
instead of at seven thirty in the back of a pickup truck
rather at midnight after a day's worth of play

but not everything worked as he wanted it to

she was like a riveting thunderstorm while he was a boring drizzle

and so their eyes never met intentionally, only in his dreams

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