x x x

16 3 0

she missed him in the still of the night with satin sheets flowing
around my earthy limbs and sucking at my flowery bones
she missed him at five o clock somewhere in the
dreamy hours of the solemn summer mornings or the
drunken hours of the flyaway summer evenings

she missed him in-between her star being,
in-between her silky strands of walgreens mermaid blue hair
in-between her calloused gymnast fingers
in-between the bridge of her nose
in-between her lashes
and in-between her thick as honey thighs

she missed him in the skies where like birds
he taught her how to fly
she yearned for him in the aching
crashes of rain against the window sill
but he, like some species of
migrating birds, could not get his wings wet

she sat at her altar and evoked
the god and goddess of the sun and moon
and with his picture burning with fire and glee
she summons thee
by the power of three times three times three

x x x

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