15- The Diary

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Brooks POV
I'm sat in the console room with mums diary she told me to fetch for her. Mum and dad are currently bickering lightly over where to go in the Tardis. Mum slaps him once for God knows what and I smile at them. Dad rubs his face lightly and looks confused for an old genius Timelord. I looked down at the battered blue diary in my hands. Mum lets me read her diary when she's staying in the Tardis because she knows our timelines are in sync, and there aren't any spoilers, but whenever she leaves she takes it with her.

"She needs to learn about archeology!"

"Archeology is boring!"

Skimming through the pages, I realise it was starting to get filled up. Only a few more pages left for a few more stories. I know what that means. Soon she's going to have to go to that stupid library with the stupid vastra narada. No! I don't want her to go! I don't want her to die! She can't! Tears fill my eyes and fall onto the book. It's my birthday, I shouldn't be crying. I sniffle and attract their attention.

They both look at me worriedly. Mum is first at my side, her arms wrap around my shoulders and she rubs them soothingly. Dad sits the other side of me.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Mum asks but I shake my head.

"Okay fine. We can go to that fancy smancy museum if you really wanted to. I was only teasing," mum lightly nudges me with her elbow.

I looked at dad and glanced down at the diary in my hands. He picks up on the hint. I can feel him leaning over to look at mum, he raises his eyebrows questionally, silently asking her to leave. Mum rolls her eyes and kisses my temple. She leaves the console room, probably going to screw up dads colour coordinated beloved bow tie collection... Again.

Once we were alone, I hugged dad tightly.

"I don't want her to go to the library," I whispered. He patted and rubbed my back.

"I know darling, I know. I can't change it, I'm sorry," he whispers.

"What are we going to do?"

"She's not going to go to the library immediately. She still has some wiggle room," he pokes my side and earns himself a grin from me.

"I wish it didn't have to happen..."

"We have to move on as long as we remember who we once knew. It's not goodbye if we remember them. With that being said, the timelines are flexible," he winks at me. I wipe my eyes and lean my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on top of mine.

"Isn't that what they always say?"

"They always say it because it's true! Wait... They don't always- never mind. Your mums going to be around for a long time, that's all you have to know. She's not going to leave for a very long time. Timelines," dad says.

"Thankyou, dad," I smile. He kisses the top of my head.

"Hey, it's fine. Wanna go to that science museum we've been talking about?"

"I said no!" Mum shouts from the corridors. She races over to dad and shoves his shoulder. He chuckles. "We're taking her to the archeology conference, then the science museum."

"I am the Timelord here!" Dad stands up and faces mum. She raises her eyebrows and purses her lips. Dad stropps over to the console.

"To the archeology thing..." He grumbled.

I stood up and looked down at the diary, then I looked up to my mum who was piloting the Tardis. Dad elbowed me and gestured towards mum.

"Time machine. Time travellers. We got the whole universe to see before she goes to that place," I hugged him tightly.

"I love you, dad."

"I love you too, dear."

"I love you mum!" I called out to her. She turns and smiles at me.

"You better love me because I love too!" She called back.

Me and dad both pilot the Tardis to the archeology conference so mum didn't murder dad before their next date.

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