3- The library

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Brooks POV
I jumped up and threw all of my notes away in the closest bin I found but when I turned around, River was gone.

"Right five minutes," I mumbled to myself, excitedly. I quickly bought a drink and checked what I looked like. I wore my black ripped jeans and a baggy grey girls tank top which showed off my toned arms. My hair was in a high pony tail but my golden brown curls still reached to the bottom of my shoulders. I straightened my waist pocket which carried my gun and typed the coordinates in my vortex manipulator.

Madam Kovarian would be so mad. I know she wouldn't find out but I still worried. Oh well, I have never had so much fun in my life, what's the fun in being good all the time? I hit my vortex manipulator and I vanished from the centre of London.


"Professor River Song, Archaeologist," I heard Rivers voice greet. This must mean I've arrived. "Oh you're not archaeologists, are you?" I heard a grumpy male Scottish voice echo and I turned around and saw River and four others in what looks like a space suit. She held her hand out to a man in a suit and tie. Was River... Flirting with him? This library is huge, there are book cases to be seen from miles away, we are in what looks like the centre of the library, there's a circled pattern on the floor and a quite a few desks around the room. There's aisles circling the room and everything looks so wooden and old. It's beautiful, but then I was took out of my thoughts by River saying my name.

"Brook! You made it then," she placed her helmet on the floor and signalled me over to her. So I walked over to her and the man and I noticed he had a ginger woman friend who was dressed averagely normal. I looked at the man and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Brook," I held out my hand for him to shake. He smiled at my manners, returned them and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, Brook," he announced before turning back to River.

The Doctor has no idea who River and Brook are and he doesn't know whether or not to believe River when she said she's from his future, but he has to believe her when she whispered his true name in his ear because he knows that if she knows his name, in the future they must be married.

Whereas River is trying her best not to give away any 'spoilers' because it's all in their future- the crash of the Byzantium, the singing towers of durillium, and every other exciting adventure with her little family. She finds It absolutely heartbreaking how her child and her husband have not a single clue who she is. But she loves seeing them both together- her world.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" River questioned Brook. River realised she had just called her 'sweetie' and looked away from her shocked face. She just called me sweetie, Brook thought. Brook only looked shocked because no one has given her a pet name before, she felt as if someone actually cared about her. Brook opened her mouth to speak, but before Brook could reply, she were interrupted by a certain man.

"Do you know each other?" The Doctor asked, confused at the noticeable love River has for Brook. "I just met her a few moments ago actually," Brook explained through the awkward tension.

It's been quite a while of investigating the library; discovering the life eating shadows and also a bonding between Brook and River. So far, two archaeologists have died and Donna has gone.

"So how come you know him but he doesn't know you?" Brook asked River. She looked up from her diary and smiled at her daughter. "My future is his past, his firsts are my last," she explained. "Are you his- his wife?" Brook asked in awe. "Spoilers, sweetie," River giggled. There were a brief moment of silence before Brook spoke up again. "Who am I to you? Why did you take me away with you? I'm just a girl, you don't know who I am and what I'm made to do," Brook said, her voice smooth and quiet with a hint of anger; anger because none of this makes sense to her. But River can't let Brook know who she or the Doctor are, after all, she was raised to kill them both on the spot.
"Brook, you know how his future is my past?" Brook nodded "well it's the same for you and me. I'm in your future, but I can't tell you who I am to you because no one should know their own future. It's against the rules," River explained. "Who's rules?" Brook asked. "Guess who's," River said as she directed her head in the direction of the Doctor. River is almost as scared as Brook. Because she knows that if Brook finds out that the Doctor is the Doctor, she'll kill him right there. She's actually quite suprised she hasn't asked who he is yet because the Brook River knows in the future, is very, very curious.

"He's a nice guy, that man," Brook pointed out and River smiled. "He doesn't accept that there's been deaths, and he's doing the best he can to find out how to save the library," Brook added.

"How do we know which shadow has the Vasta Narada in it?" One of the archaeologists (Anita) asked. Brook snapped her head around to what was happening behind her and answered Anita's question before the Doctor could, obviously taking an interest in the situation.
"You'll find out once you step in the shadow and get eaten alive by them," Brook answered sarcastically as she stood up. The Doctor eyed her, watching her every move and listening to her every word. She grabbed a chicken wing from Rivers packed lunch and apologised for it straight after she threw it in the shadow the Doctor was just examining.
"Like so," Brook raised an eyebrow. The Doctor also raised an eyebrow at her knowledge and questioned her. "You've come across Vashta Narada this bad before?" He stepped infont of her. "No, I'm just clever and I pay attention," Brook shrugged and kept her eyebrow raised while the doctor studied her features for a moment. "You're clever, you're polite, you listen and you come across as confident... I like you," the Doctor confessed as he walked away. This is the most happiest Brook has ever been, in only 2 hours 2 people have given an interest in her personality and accepted her whereas in the past 13 years, all she has been given was harsh orders, 16 hours of physical training per day and not a slight interest paid towards her. No wonder she has fallen in love with these two people.

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