Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Don't. Move.

>>Akira's POV<<

"Hey, Sasuke!", I said.
He turned around and was looking at me.
"Fight me!", I said and smiled evil.
"Hn", he said and smirked.
"Come on, your chicken...", I said and took a kunai fm from my pocket.
"Hn", he said as usually and throw some shurikens at me that I easily dodged.

"Is that all you got, Uhicha?", I said and run in front of him and I made a shadow clone that came behind him, he saw it and activated his sharingan and he kicked me away and he stubbed his kunai in the stomach of the shadow clone and it disappeared.

"Damn it", I said and  stood up.
"I thought you were better than that, and smarter", he said and smirked.
"Hn, at least I am much better than you", I said and smiled evil and closed my eyes when he was running towards me.

He screamed and activated his Chidori and I made some hand-seals and opened my eyes.
Sasuke's eyes grew big from surprising and I smirked.

"Kokuangyo no jutsu!", I shouted and Sasuke's Chidori let go and he was standing still.

>>Sasuke's POV<<

I ran towards her and activated my Chidori while she had her eyes closed.
When she opened her eyes she had... She had the sh... Sharingan?!
How the hell could she have the Sharingan?!
When she saw my surprised face she made some hand-seals and said:

"Kokuangyo no jutsu!", and everything went black.
Where the hell am I?!
"Hello, Sasuke, haha, no I won't kill you this time...", she said and laughed evil.
I could feel something touch my hair and I turned around fast but nothing was there.

'It's just an illusion...', I thought for myself.
Suddenly something pushed me to the ground and all the black disappeared at once and I was back and I was laying on the ground with Akira just a few centimeters away from me.
"Don't. Move", she said and looked at my neck.
Damn it.
There she sat over me with a kunai against my neck.

"Do you give up, Sasuke-kun?", she said and smiled evil.
I tried to do something but then she just failed it for me.
'Hn, She maybe is smart'.

"Shall we head home?", she asked and put away the kunai and lighted a little bit of her grip.
I took my chance and kicked her away and then I sat over her and had my kunai against her neck this time.

"Hn", I said and smiled.
"What?", she asked irritated.
"You aren't like the other girls...", he said and smirked.
"What do you mean with that, you duck?", she said even more irritated.
"You are not fangirling me", he said.
"Why the hell should I fangirl someone like you?", she said and then she disappeared into smoke and I was now holding in a tree stub.
'A replacement?!' I was thinking when someone curled their arms around my neck and dragged me up.
"You suck, Uchiha", she said and laugh and let me go and then run away.

I ran after her and daaaaamn how fast she is!
She stopped at the way crossing and  smiled at me.
"See you tomorrow, Mr Uchiha!", she said and laughed a little laugh.
"Hn", I said and headed home to my house.
I laid my forehead protector on my little table and laid me down.
But.. I couldn't sleep.
I have to know that Senju girl.
She needs to know that she is not the last one standing.

Finally I got tired and fell a sleep.
She really isn't like the other girls.

Next Morning!

>>Akira's POV<<

Today I woke up 6:30AM.
"Yes! Today we'll know who our new teammates are!", I said to myself.

"Akira-sama! Akira-sama!", I heard someone scream.
"NARUTO, WHAT DO YOU WANT?", I screamed back.
"We'll know who our teammates are today!", he said and I could actually feel his smile.
"YEAH, I HAVE ALREADY THOUGHT ABOUT THAT!", I shouted and put on my light blue jacket and my a little bit darker blue shorts and my ninja sandals.
I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and letting it be released today.
Half my hair in each side.

I went downstairs and saw Naruto dit on a chair in my kitchen.
"Hey! How the hell did you get in?!", I shouted and he just looked nervously on me and put a hand on his neck.
"Heh...", he said but I cut him off.
"Whatever, let's go to the academy", I said and smiled and reached my hand to him and he smiled at me and took it and we began our way to the academy.
'Fun to meet Mr. Uchiha again', I thought and made a thinking face.
"Akira-chan, is there any problem?", he asked.
"Huh? No, it's okay", I said with a smile.
"Hmm", he hummed and after about 3 minutes we reached the academy.


"Good morning, students!", Iruka-sensei sad with a happy tone.
"Morning", the class said.
"Today, before you get to know who your teammates are, you're going to do a little test. That test will see if you make the exam", Iruka-sensei said.
"What test?!", Naruto asked loudly.
"You'll see", Iruka-sensei said with a smile.


Chapter 3 (:💕 Hope you liked it! <3

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