"Paul. You okay?"

Johns rough voice filled his ears. Paul raised his head and nodded at his boyfriend. He raised his eyebrows in question at the muddy gazed man.

"Just listening to your heart beat, love. I'm okay as long as I hear it."

Was that creepy to say? He hoped not. Paul shrugged it off and sat up on the older mans lap. Grabbing his chin and making him turn his eyes away from whatever show he was watching. The two locked eyes, Paul's bright hazel with Johns medium brown. The two didn't care who seen them, they leand towards each other and locked their lips together. Their lips always seemed to mold perfectly together.

Paul let out a small squeak as John sat up more and grabbed his wrists, turning them so he could push his Paul into the back of the couch. John smiled gently as he held his hazel with his muddy brown.

"McCartney, I love you."

"I love you too, Lennon."

John leaned in again and kissed him once more. Paul's rounded cheeks holding a soft pink tint to them as he gently kissed back. Johns legs on either side of the younger man.

"Don't go. Ever."

Paul muttered softly to John, his hazel eyes locked up onto the others brown. Paul soon looked away as John kissed his earlobe softly.

"Never, McCartney. Now come on. Let's go get dressed so we can head out. It's almost time."

Paul nodded quickly at the other and smiled gently before standing up with John. The two men then went into their room to ready themselves for dinner.


The four men had finally settled at the table. Paul smiled happily as he sat by his lover. But when George and Ringo sat down a thought formed in his head. The hazel gazed man swallowed thickley. How did they find out about them?

George sat beside his beloved friend Ringo but jumped when Paul's soft and delicate voice pushed deeply into his hearing.

"How did you know?"

Now George knew this question would soon come up, so he decided to just answer him honestly.

"We have always known, Paulie! I mean a always knew about your fancying for John. It's been obvious since we were kids ! Me and Ringo even made a bet to see if you'd tell or not. We didn't know John felt the same back. But he does and we're more then happy. Don't worry."

Paul smiled at George, his words had calmed his nerves. The young man soon looked up when their waiter arrived. He was so relaxed and happy.

The four ordered their dinner and laughed and joked. They also had a few drinks to add onto the good mood.

Paul and John held hands under the table no matter what they did, wether they were eating or drinking they never broke contact.

Paul couldn't believe how great his life was. How happy he was. They were so relaxed. John was his. That made his heart race.

His hazel locked with Johns muddy brown. A smile crept onto both men's lips as they stared into eachothers heavenly gazes.

They were one in the same. Lennon and McCartney. John and Paul. They were one. That's all they ever were. It was so obvious. The way they looked at each other, the emotion.

Life was great for Paul. John was his. Those three words made his head spin. He was madly in love with John. He held such a delicate feeling of love for him.

The four men soon left, walking home and laughing as they did. Soon they would be home and they would sleep, preparing for a long day of work ahead of them.

When they reached home, George and Ringo crashed as well as John and Paul. They had ate good and had a great time and thats what had them all ties out.


Paul and John dressed for bed, slipping on their pajama pants and plain tshirts. The two climbed into their bed. Smiling and giggling when they cuddled up against each other.

"I love you, princess."

Johns husky voice hummed into Paul's hearing. Paul let a smile play at his full lips.

"I love you too, Lennon."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."


Paul rolled his eyes before shutting them. His ear pressed against his chest, listening to his heart beat.


The sound of Johns calm heartbeat made him slowly fall asleep slowly. Allowing the darkness to overtake him into a peaceful, dreamy slumber.


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