You woke up the next morning, got ready at around sun rise, and began your search again.  You did the same thing you did before with your leather jacket.  You started to scout through the forest first which took up about half your day.  You stopped down by the lake again to search, rest, and get water.

You stared at your reflection in the water and began to try to think positive. Maybe she had to go on an important journey and forgot to tell me?  Yeah!  She wouldn't just leave me here!  She's my Mother and she loves me!  Stuffing your head with positive bullshit was getting old very quickly and the negative began to invade your thoughts...  Maybe something bad happened to her...  Does she need my help?  What if she left for good...  If so, was it because of me?  Did I do something wrong?  Was I not working hard enough?  Did she feel sorry for me when she found me?  Was that the only reason that she trained me?  Because I was so helpless and she felt bad?  Did she fell that I was trained enough to survive on my own?  Did she lie about loving me?  Did she despise me so much that she finally... left? 

A splash in the water from a fish awoke you from your thoughts and reminded you of your first day of training... Yeah, she showed you so much kindness and understanding... There's no way that she could have faked it.  You finally got up and stopped wallowing in your self pity.  If something did happen to her, she wouldn't want you to be like this... She would want you to never give up... or lose hope.  You dusted yourself off and decided to train the rest of the day pushing yourself to the limit while constantly chanting to yourself, Never give up, don't lose hope, I'm doing this for Mother, I'm making myself a warrior... 

---End of Flashback---

You trained yourself harder everyday from that point on waiting for her to come home but... she never did.  You looked back at the fight to see Natsu standing his own against both Sting and Rouge.  The hell did Gajeel go?!  you thought to yourself angrily.  But the worry of that left your mind as you watched Natsu fight and hold them both off with more ease.  He was showing power that you've never seen before and you couldn't believe it!  Both sides were strong and relentless, no one gave up which you definitely admired. 

Eventually, Sting and Rouge began to prepare an attack, a unison raid...  As their powers merged, the feeling of their magic became more desperate within each second.  The power released from their attack was incredible yet, Natsu didn't move a muscle... 

As a guild, you all had connected mind sets that can only be understood by each other...  In unison, everyone gave the Fairy Tail salute.  It showed how much we believe and have full confidence in each other.  As the attack came closer to Natsu he didn't flinch until he finally prepared for the attack using a secret dragon slayer art which shook the arena completely obliterated Sting and Rouges' attacks which in the end... Took out Sting and Rouge...  Natsu won!  You couldn't help but give a smile at the idiot's face...  Your smile soon took to a frown when you looked at Sting.  It looked like he was in incredible pain...  Damn It!  There I go again!  Forget him he's the enemy!  you screamed at yourself.

Your team and you headed down to greet Natsu and congratulate him on his victory.  Lily soon asked about Gajeel and Natsu figured he left the battle out of no where, but you found out earlier that Natsu sent him into a mine cart and into the tunnels, poor Gajeel...  

As everyone began leaving, you called to Natsu, "Hey Natsu! Can I talk to you for a minute?" 

He looked over his shoulder with a bit of blush on his face, "Hm? O-oh um... Sure Akiko, what's up?"  He walked towards you a bit so he was right in front of you.

Can a crystal be broken? (a Fairy Tail Natsu x oc x Sting story) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now