Chapter Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine

            Klaus lifted up the door of the back of the large truck. Elijah had been confused when instead of leading him to a hiding place he had instead showed him to a truck that was parked just outside of town.

            “Is this where they are brother?” Elijah asked peering into the dark back of the truck.

            “Yes,” Klaus replied stepping aside and gesturing for his older brother to go inside and see for himself.

            Elijah hesitated but when Klaus didn’t say anything else he pulled himself in the truck. Inside were five glossy coffins made of what looked like dark oak. As he walked farther in Elijah moved his hand over the tops and eyed up all the coffins longingly.

            Not fully believing that his brother would truly give him what he wanted Elijah opened one of the coffins. He managed to restrain himself from showing the shock he felt. Laying in the coffin in front of him was a slender blonde girl who was dressed like she belonged in the twenties. His eyes moved down from his sister Rebekah’s face to the dagger that was sticking out of her chest.

            His hand shaking slightly he moved to remove it but before he could even get close to touching the dagger Klaus stopped him.

            “What do you think you are doing Elijah?” Klaus demanded his eyes dark.

            Not for the first time unease crept in Elijah who narrowed his eyes at his brother and told him, “the night the curse was broken you promised to give me my family back.”

            With a huge grin Klaus shook his head, he chuckled then said, “actually I promised that you would be reunited with our family. And that is exactly what I intend to do.”

            Elijah had no time to even consider what this meant as before he could even blink Klaus pulled out a silver dagger identical to the one stuck in their sister. Without hesitating he plunged it into his older brothers chest.

            His eyes were wide but there was nothing Elijah could do as the life left his body. The only reason he didn’t collapse onto the ground was Klaus’s supportive arms. He carried his brother’s lifeless body to the coffin just to the right of Rebekah and easily heaved his body into it.

            “Sorry,” Klaus whispered as he looked at his brother’s face which had turned the same grey that meant for all intent and purposes he was dead, “brother.”

Everyone who had been gathered around the grave was now milling about the entertaining area of the Salvatore Boarding House. There was a long buffet table set up but most people just ignored the food on it. Basically everyone in the room had red eyes and there was rarely a moment when you couldn’t hear someone sniffling.

            If Damon hadn’t been worried about Elena after Katherine got to her, he was now. As soon as she walked through the door she looked at all the mourners with an indifferent expression and didn’t look twice at the picture of her dad that was surrounded by followers that was placed just inside the door.

            As she wove her way through the crowd towards the table where she knew Damon kept his good alcohol she tried to avoid touching as many people as possible. Every now and then she would look at someone with tears in their eyes and just sneer.

            Luckily no one seemed to notice that the deceased daughter was treating everyone like a leper and getting ready to drink like she was at a high school party instead of a funeral.

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