Chapter XIV

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Chapter 14

“This opportunity will only come once.”

“If we have their alliance, our roaming land will double.”

“This will just be a repeat of the past if you accept this offer.”

The crowed made comments and spoke to Alaric of their opinion. Alaric simply nodded and accepted their words. Elaina knew he wasn’t really listening. His mind distant from here. The way his jaws were working and his eyes hooded showed he was deep in thought.

Randi came up and patted Alaric on the shoulder. There were no words exchanged, but they looked like they were communicating with each other. Then Randi’s eyes rested on Elaina’s; he smiled and turned towards her.

“How about we go inside?” Randi motioned her to follow him as he went towards Cana. Cana was standing behind the whole crowd and already heading towards the house with Kylie cradled in her arms.

Elaina stopped to turn and look at Alaric. Alaric was staring at her, his expression blank. The blue abyss of his eyes boring into her, like he was telling her something. Her feet wanted to turn and go running back to him, soothe his blank look back to the Alaric she has become familiar with. The smiles and smirks he makes when they talk. The boyish look and even the protective look that she has grown to...

Biting her lip, she scolded herself for letting her mind try to wander past that sentence. She needed to remind herself that she has her own problems that she didn’t want to add with his. 

“Elaina.” Cana called at the entrance of the door. There was a look of stress on her face, but overall relief that the tension in the air has slightly dissipated. 

Elaina turned towards the house, feeling Alaric’s gaze on her back. Why did she feel like he was farther away? It could just be all the stress that he’s dealing with. He’s not himself.

She wasn’t herself either. She has never felt such hatred towards a human being. A human being that posed no threat to her. Why should she be angry at Kyra? Was it really because of her touching Alaric? 

This is what jealousy feels like?


Do you have two mates?

We... His wolf growled as he stirred in his mind. He was still reacting to the touch of that white wolf. Kyra.

What the hell is wrong with you? We can’t have two. It’s impossible.

His wolf remained silent. He couldn’t even understand what was happening with him. Did this truly mean Elaina could be hallucinating him? 

No. His wolf growled menacingly.

What else am I suppose to think? 

Alaric didn’t want to believe that Elaina would do that, but the possibilities are endless. He watched as Elaina left into the house. Her long flowing hair blowing in the breeze. 

The way she looked at him, with so much concern and sadness that it almost pained him. Her being with him helped greatly. His control could’ve been lost if she wasn’t there. He knew leaning on her wasn’t the best idea, yet his instincts does it anyway.

Alaric was interrupted by a hand on his arm. He turned to find his mom looking up at him. The look she was giving him was the look of a much needed private conversation. One that he couldn’t ignore. Alaric nodded his agreement and looked over at his pack.

“All will be discussed in a meeting tomorrow morning. I will think about their offer and will take all your comments and concerns at the meeting.” Alaric boomed out his response and headed towards the house with his mom in tow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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