Lucy Hearfelia

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A/N hey guys warning this book will have swearing! Also some parts will be really sad so prepare please. Thanks 😄 p.s this school will be set like an Australian school so 7 years of primary and 6 years of high school😄😊

Hi I'm Lucy Heartfelia. I'm a year 9 at Fairy Tail High, I'm 15 years old, also a straight A student well as for friends I  have none I keep to myself I don't trust others it's not because I don't like them it's just I like being on my own. Anyway today I'm wearing a white top with the Scorpio star sign, an over sized grey hoodie, a red skirt that goes up to your knees and socks with my blue ankle boots. I don't wear make up I hate it oh and I'm not a tomboy if that's what your wondering. "Lucy get your ass to school!" My mother yelled from down stairs, man I hate her so much I wish my father were still alive he would have helped me "yes ma'am" I say rushing down the stairs with my Leopard print bag. "Worthless piece of trash" my mother whispered as I walked out the door, I slammed it shut and walked to the bus stop.

As usual my bus stop has no other kids which means I'm the only one which also means piece and quiet. When the bus stopped and the doors flew open the bus driver said good morning as  usual and I looked around and realised there were more kids today so I tried to find a seat where there weren't other kids but sadly I ended up sitting next to this short bluenette. I quickly put on my headphones and listened to Cross the line by Superchick it's a really good song I really recommend it. I sat quietly not saying a peep ignoring everything and one. I hate the school bus I'd rather ride my motorcycle but it will cause to much attention to myself and I want to stay a mystery.

When I got to school I ran to my locker but no one noticed that's how I like it. I got out my stuff for English and headed straight over. I got a seat at the back in the corner so I wouldn't be noticed but only by the teacher. Everyone rushed in 5 minutes after me so they wouldn't get detention. Everyone was chatting  while I was reading peacefully, the book that I'm reading is 'The School For Good And Evil' I really like that book it's interesting. "Take your seats everyone" the teacher said walking into class, he took the roll and called out my name I raised my hand and the roll continued.

English isn't so bad but what I had next is my most hated subject math. All we did in English is grammar because other kids failed at it. Once the bell rang I wanted to make a run for it but I didn't I kept my cool. Once I got everything for math I walked over very quickly because our math teacher is the meanest teacher at school. Her name is Mrs. Vomiter yeah I know weird last name it's sounds like vomit.

I got to math just on time. I took a seat at the front this time because everyone who didn't want to be near Mrs. Vomiter sat at the back but no one wanted to sit at the front but unfortunately the back of the room can't hold all of us. "ALRIGHT CLASS! WE HAVE A TEST TODAY!" She yelled "YES MA'AM!" We yelled back its natural for us to do this literally.

The bell rang and I ran to my locker as fast as I could. I grabbed my snack and walked to the roof of the school where I usually eat it's quiet but most importantly no one but me eats here. As I opened the door to the roof I saw the bluenette I sat next to one the bus. I quickly walked up there and closed the door VERY quietly and walked to the bench I had put up there that said 'Lucy Heartfelia' it's my special bench. "Who are you?" The bluenette said looking at me very confused "who am I? I should be asking you the same thing and why are you even up here this part of the school is only reserved for me" I said quite annoyed "oh I'm sorry I'm Levy McGarden and I didn't know this whole roof was reserved for you" She said apologetically "well it is and now you must leave and forget you saw me got it!" I said a little menacing, she nodded and ran out the door.

That was close...

Time for third period and I'm nervous I'm never nervous maybe it's because of the girl on the roof? I don't know but I had to get over it. "Ok everyone get out your visual are diaries and start doing a self portrait now be creative make your self portrait represent you your fellings ok?" Mr. Yonoshatu said clapping his hand together everyone nodded and began the work. I drew myself broken bruised hurt blood dripping down from my head in a dark place alone. I finished first but waited for someone else to finish so wouldn't be noticed.

Lunch came and I went to the roof and no one was there thank god. I ate a Nutella sandwich and drank a bottle of Pepsi it was delicious. I looked at my phone and it was 1:12pm looks like a while until the bell I should practice my singing. I played some music and sang but not too loud. I sang 5 songs and I was out of breath so I turned the music off and just...relaxed not having my mother around is wonderful really it is. I let out a giant sigh of relief knowing my mother can't get me here...but when I get is when I go to hell.

"Attention all student everyone must be at the gym in the next 5 minutes thank you" the speakers said, I shot up from my seat and ran to the gym. "Everyone listen up there is a really violent parent in the school so we are having a lock down until the police come" the principle's voice boomed through the whole gym. I could tell people were panicking but who's if it's my mum then...I don't even know what to do. "Excuse me Miss. Heartfelia can you follow me please" Miss. Aries said leading me to the principle...great it is my mum. "Now I assume you know why you where asked to speak with me?" Principle Makarov said "is it because the violent parent is my mother?" I asked nervously, he nodded then fear started going through my whole body no, no, no. I felt tears running down my face "are you ok?" Miss. Aries asks worried "p-please d-don't let her get me" I cried falling in my knees "child please don't cry mate we can call another relati-" he began but I quickly "I don't have any other relatives to help me" he looked at me surprised but it was true I only had my horrible mother.

"OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR BITCHES!!" My mother yelled, she was outside the gym doors banging on them  to try and knock them down, I walked up to the door and said in a serious tone " go home mother your scaring everyone just go" but she didn't listen then she yelled "BITCH LET ME IN!!" Tears rolled down my face faster and faster "Go home" I said menacing but she kept going I don't know what to do. I walked over to the principle and said "I'm so so sorry" he looked at me with sad eyes "is there another safe place where you can take them?" I asked looking at everyone "yes yes there is" Principle Makarov said "please take them there I'm going to open the door and talk to my mother" I said now looking at the front entrance, he nodded and told everyone to follow him. Once there gone I'll open the doors.

I walk to the entrance of the gym and open the door to see my mother looking at me angrily "GET OUT OF MY WAY BITCH! IM HERE FOR THE LITTLE MAN!" Mother shouted my blood began to boil and then I yelled "GO HOME! YOU CAUSED A LOCK DOEN YOU ARE A MANIAC!" She looked at me like she dose when she's about to kill someone "you're dead bitch" she said walking towards me and soon as she was close enough she started to beat me. She punched, kicked, anything you could think of but I didn't let out a scream because I'm used to it this is what happens everyday. I started hearing footsteps and I looked towards the back door where Principle Makarov, Mrs. Vomiter, and other tough teacher stood there faces in shock at the sight of me. "STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILD LAYLA!" Principle Makarov yelled "why she's my child little man" my mother laughed, all the teachers where about to burst, come to my rescue but my mother spoke "I'll let her go if and only if the little man and I can speak privately" she grabbed me by my hair holding me up to everyone "fine" principle Makarov said displeased.

Mrs. Aquarius helped me to the infirmary. She bandaged me up she can be really caring sometime but mostly to me. "Are you alright Lucy?" Mrs. Aquarius asked putting the last bandage on "yeah I'm used to it" I say lowering my head "she dose this regularly?" She asks "everyday" I say, Miss. Aquarius looked shocked and angry at the same time. I need to cry but not here not now.

Classes went back to normal as for my mum well the police got her and now I'm living all alone but as you know I don't mind. "Class you can go home early" said Mr. Scorpio, he was our music teacher he a cool guy "thank you" everyone said as they walked out the door. Once I got my bag I walked to the front gate and saw a my mums ring stuck to one of the poles, I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it in my bag.

A/N hello everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter if it made you cry please tell me so I the next chapter can be even sadder. I'm so evil!


Thanks for reading
Love Cassy

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