Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

And here's the next chapter. I probably should have put a naughtiness warning at the beginning of chapter 10 but oh well. Won't be any naughtiness in this chapter. Least I don't think so... Lol

I know I just kind of randomly put the cat Chi in there but he might have an important role later in the story. Lol I was thinking of the awesome anime Ao No Exorcist while writing that part and I thought of the awesome cat, Kuro. Lol I made sure Chi wasn't exactly the same.

Ok, so now they are going to work. And on we go.


Shiroi's POV (let's see how it goes)

As I drive Kuro to his work, I try to read his mind but seems like he's not thinking of anything at the moment. Whatever.

Ever since we met I've noticed Kuro has been becoming more and more stunning. Especially his eyes, they're so purple and they just suck you right in. I'm excited to see what he'll look like once he completely transforms. I'm thinking we should change that wardrobe of his too. Something that's better with his body. I can tell some muscles are already starting to develop. Once he completes the transformation I know he's gonna some serious muscles. Meaning it'll be time for different clothes. I don't know what though, I'll think of something when it gets to that point.

'Hmm, I wonder what it would be like I cover Shiroi in chocolate and I slowly lick it off of him, kissing and biting his sensitive spots along the way?' hmm looks like he's having some naughty thoughts now. That's good I guess, that means he's getting a bit more comfortable.

We get to his work a bit early, like 5:30 early. He didn't have to be here till 6. Oh well.

"So..looks like we're here early so what do you want to do?" I ask Kuro.

"Might as well go on ahead in I guess."

"Yeah." I wonder why the air feels this way. I can tell somethings wrong.

I was just about to call out to Kuro when I see a flying figure suddenly land in front of us. Wait? Nii-San? (brother) What is he doing here?

"Shiroi! I need to talk to you!"

Kuro is looking at me confused wondering what's going on.

"Shiroi? Who is this?" Kuro asks.

"Kuro, this is my brother, Kurochi." (black blood)

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah, Kuro why don't you go ahead inside while I talk to him?"

"Ok, see you in a bit." he turns back towards the building a walks inside. I can tell he's worried what's going on.

"Ok Kurochi, what did you want to talk about?"

"I think we need to go somewhere a bit more private." I stare at him. He has black eyes with red specks. His hair is layered and goes down his back with red strips. He's really muscular like me and he's just wearing a pair of black pants right now since he has his wings out, which are a blood red.

"Ok." I take my shirt off and have my wings come. Kurochi flies away and I follow, we fly to the forest to where there's nobody around, and then we land.

"Shiroi, I think you should know that Kuro is the one in the prophecy."

"What? How can that be possible?"

"Your angel and demon blood mix is rare, considering demons and angels hate each other. Then father just had to go fall in love with an angel and then they had you and-"

"Kurochi! Calm down." I interrupt.

"Sorry. The prophecy says that the person with part angel and part demon though more angel will destroy all mankind."

"But he's not even violent!"

"What about after he transforms?"

I stare at him. Omg why didn't I think of this? Would we have been better off if we never met?

"Don't go all the way with Kuro!"


"Don't! You can suck him an touch him and whatnot but don't go all the way, it will be the biggest mistake of your life." He backs away from me and flies away, leaving me here in the woods.

"I suppose I should get back to Kuro, he's probably worried by now." I take off and start heading back towards the bar.


I know it's a short chapter, but I gotta go to school and I didn't feel like waiting till afternoon to add more and post lol.

I think the story is starting to pick up. Funny how all the names are darkness pretty much lol.



The Strange True Love (BoyXBoy) (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt