Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Woo here's the next chapter. I'm also working on a cover for the story.

What is Kuro gonna do after he had sex with the stranger? Read on to find out.


I woke up in the morning confused as to where I was for a second, then I saw him and remembered. Oh god I can't believe I had sex with someone I just met, I didn't even know his name. What in the world was I thinking.

I felt him stir beside me and I notice he's woken up.

"Hey," he said sleepily, "I had a great time last night."

"Haha yeah," I said nervously, "I'm starting to regret it."


"Well we just met last night and I shouldn't have said yes just because it would help me forget my ex."

"You know what? I don't think it was a bad idea."

I sighed, "Yeah, whatever, I should get going."

"Call me and we will meet up again sometime."

"I don't think I will." I get up to search for my clothes till I realize they are in the doorway. "Oh crap I don't really want to walk out of the room naked."

"There's nobody else in the house ."

"You sure?"


I sighed again and open the door and peeked out. There they are lying on the ground.

I take a deep breath and run out to get my clothes then I run back into the room.

"What are you so afraid of there's nobody else here."

"That's what they want you to think."

He looks at me strangely. "Uh huh, whatever."

I quickly put my clothes on and open the door again. "Yeah, I'm gonna go now, bye."

I walk out of the house to my car and as I pull out of the driveway I see him looking out the window looking a little hurt. I knew I shouldn't have done this; I just wasn't thinking clearly after the break-up.

10 minutes later I'm at my bosses house. How many times have I stayed here after a break-up? I don't know. He treats me like his son. He's always there for me in my time of need.

I get out of the car and walk in the house. He was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Ah just in time," he said after he notices me entering the room.

"Hey boss."

"How was last night?"

"A mistake."

"Ah it'll be ok." he looks at me with a smile on his face, "Why don't you go sit down, it's just about ready."

I go sit down and I wait for him to put the food on my plate. Mmm biscuits and gravy with some sausages, my fav.

"Your ex brought over your stuff."

"Ok, that's good so I don't have to see him again."

"Maybe you should start looking at their personality more than their looks."

"Yeah you're right, but as a human being the looks draw the eye."

"Yes but the personality captures the heart."

"True." I stare at my food thinking maybe I should change the guys I pick.

I finish my food quickly and I decided I'm gonna change into regular and maybe I'll attract and different kind of guy.

I run upstairs to my room to find the regular clothes (yes I have regular clothes so what?). I put on a blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans with some converse.

I walk out the house after telling my boss I'm gonna take a wall around the neighbor. I could tell by his face that he was shocked by what I was wearing. Come on? Can't a guy go out as someone normal for once? It does feel a bit weird to be covered so much though.

I walk down the street wondering if I'll find anyone. My past boyfriends were found in the bar I work at so I don't know.

After about an hour of walking I decide to stop at a cafe for a snack or something.

And that's when I see him. Is this the one? Is this love at first sight? I heard the phrase should be more like lust at first sight, but I don't care.

He was sitting there drinking some coffee. He was so beautiful. Semi long white hair that covered his eyes and I recognized the visual kei hairstyle and what do you know? He had the makeup too. And he was Asian. He noticed me staring at him and smiled.

He gets up and walks over to my table. And surprisingly he also had the visual kei clothes. It was like he was a Japanese visual kei artist coming here for a visit.

"Nee," he said (meaning hey).

"Hi." he knew Japanese too?

"I um noticed you staring at me over here and I was wondering what was up?"

"Oh yeah," I suddenly got all nervous. So I blurted out, "You're hot wanna go out?" I slap my hand over my mouth before I could say anymore. Sheesh what's wrong with me!

"Hmm, sure why not?" he sits down across from me.

I was jumping up down an squealing inside. Acting like a hyper and excited teenage girl.

"Really? I mean you don't have to I just lost control of myself there."

"I said yes didn't I?"


"So what's your name?"

"Kuro Tenshi."

"That's an interesting name for a parent to give a child."

"Haha yeah, so what's yours?"

"Shiroi Akuma." (white demon)


"Yeah my names just as strange as yours."

"That it is, we're like opposites of each other."

"Yeah," I just realized he had red eyes, kinda matches his last name .

"So how bout I pick you up tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have the day off so that's good."

"Where do you work?"

"A gay strip club."

His eyes widened a bit.

"Don't worry, I work at the bar, not the stage."

"Oh," he looked relieved. "Well I got to go, see you tonight?"

"Yeah, tonight."

He gets up and says bye as he walks out the door. What in the world just happened? That was the first time I ever asked someone it's always been the other guy asking me.

I get up and start walking back to my boss's house in bliss. I was just so happy, I think this relationship will be different than the others.


Hello! It's been a while lol. It took me a while to figure out what to do with this scene, but I got it figured out :) hope you like it.


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