Chapter 17; One Last Thing

Start from the beginning

"I miss him, mom." I whisper suddenly.

"I do too sweetie." She says. She hugs me softly until my toast pops up, making us both jump. We both chuckle and I turn around to grab a paper towel to put my two pieces on.

I grab a butter knife and spread both pieces of toast with a generous amount of Nutella. I walk back to the tile island and sit in the chair I had previously sat in.

"So." My mom starts as she puts her bread in the toaster. She turns around and leans on the island. "What were you really doing out here?" She adds with a sly smile.

My eyes widen in shock. "Uh-"

"I'm not that stupid sweetie." She says with a giggle.

I laugh at how calm she was, even though I was about to sneak out of her house in the middle of the night. And that she said she isn't THAT stupid.

"Well... I was about to go see Michael." I tel her truthfully. "I'm sorry... I just feel so lost right now..."

"Oh okay, I just wanted to make sure you weren't going anywhere dangerous. Like a dark alley or something. My mom said, shrugging her shoulders and preparing her toast.

I laugh loudly. "Yeah mom, because I would totally wake up at 3:30 in the morning to go in a dark alley." I chuckle.

"I don't know! You teenagers are crazy these days!" She says with her hands up.  "But for reals. What's wrong?"

I look up at my mom with sad eyes. Even though we didn't have any lights on, I could still see the worry and love in her eyes.  When I looked in her eyes, that made me realize something.

Michael stares at me the same way. He has all of the worry and love and passion swimming in his eyes.

I sigh loudly. "I wasn't going to say anything." I laugh nervously.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I just want to make sure you're talking to someone. I don't want you to think you're alone." She tells me, still holding my gaze.

I nod swiftly. "I've told someone already." I say surely.

"Okay. That's all I care about. I love you so much, and I would just die if something happened to you. Whether it be by you, or someone else." She told me, taking a bite of her Nutella covered toast.

"What do you mean 'me'? Do you mean like I would hurt myself?" I said in shock.

I mean, I have thought about it...

She nods slowly. "I've noticed your behavior change. I just want to make sure you're okay. Has the person you told helping you out?" She asks me.

"Yeah, he has." I smile as I think of Calum helping me as much as he could. He hated seeing me so upset, so along the way, he would crack jokes. If I wasn't so upset at the time, I would have laughed harder than my fake laugh let off.

I pull out my phone and text Michael.

To: Michael<3

Can you come pick me up? My mom and I are just catching up :p xx

"Michael is gonna pick me up." I told my mom.

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