Mettaton x Reader

525 18 13

A/N In this One shot Mettaton will be a guy :) And you fell down into the underground instead of Frisk (so basically monsters are still stuck behind the barrier)

Also you are neighbours/friends with Sans & Papyrus. However they haven't introduced you to any other 'main' characters, such as Mettaton, Alphys, Napstablook, Undyne etc.


'Welcome Beauties and Gentlebeauties to the MTT show!' Mettaton announced through your TV.
You are currently sat on the sofa in your small house in Snowdin, dressed in Mettaton merch watching his show enthusiastically.
Ever since you fell down into the Underground, you've been obsessed with this dashing robot (even though he looked like a calculator), Watching all of his shows and following him on every form of social media, hoping one day that he will notice you.
Today's episode of the show was live, because it was the 100'th episode, and you've never been more excited!
Mettaton posted a status on the undernet saying that there is going to be a surprise in tonight's show! Knowing this made your excitement rise.

'Thank you darlings for tuning in to watch my 100th episode, now as some of you fabulous people know I said tonight's show will hold a surprise' Mettaton declared flamboyantly.
'It was meant to be released later however I cannot contain my excitement, I need to show all of you beauties... Mettaton Ex'

You can't even contain your excitement, you let out a high pitched squeak. Your eyes refuse to leave the TV. As you watch a yellow dinosaur/lizard come on stage nervously.

'Alphys darling would you like to do the honours?' Mettaton purred.
You've never been more jealous of a lizard before. 

'Uhh.. Uh... Sure mett' Alphys stuttered nervously.
I guess she doesn't like all the attention.
Alphys flicked the switch on Mettatons back and smoke filled the room.
Everything went silent as you edged closer to the TV.

'OHHH YES' Mettaton says. You can see he has transformed completely.
And damn he is hot.
He has long black hair down to his neck/shoulders, a stunning metal body, white gloves covering his hands and, oh my god. His legs are beautiful, and so are his magenta boots.

'Hello darlings, I am Mettaton EX, and I know what you are all thinking, I am fabulous' Mettaton purred.

'OH MY GODDD!! METTATON IS SO HOTTT!!' You fangirl, just as Sans and Papyrus enter your house.

'[Y/N] we heard screaming and wanted to check if you were okay' Sans and Papyrus say in unison. You stop fangirling and your cheeks turn a bright Crimson. You hope they didn't hear you say that...

'Yeah guys I'm fine... Just excited about watching The MTT show'

'Personally I don't think Mettaton is that hot, but you have your own opinion' Sans smirks
Fuck he heard you!!

'DOES THE HUMAN HAVE A CRUSH??' Papyrus shouts. By this point you want to suffocate yourself with the nearest pillow.

'No Papyrus... I'm just uh, a huge fan!' You say uncertainly.

'Sure Jan' Sans taunts. You
should really stop him from watching sitcoms, he is getting sassier.

You were going to retaliate when something Mettaton said catches your attention.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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