Rose cocked an eyebrow and seemed unperturbed. “I will ask Kanaya for her permission, of course. Since I will invite her to Earth as well.”

“Okay, so... it's over, right?”

“What do you mean?” she asked him.

“The meeting. Your announcement. It's done, right? I mean, you've said what you wanted to say? Everything? There's nothing to talk about anymore?”

“Yes. It's over. Thank you for your cooperation everyone. Especially you, Dave. You can now go back and marry your poetry and I will ask Kanaya to make bridesmaid dresses.” Rose stalked out of the room without a backward glance.

John waved halfheartedly. “See ya.” then left as well.

Oh no. This was what I was afraid of! Being the last one left in, gulp, Dave's room. We haven't really talked that much. MUST. GET. OUT OF HERE!!! I slowly turned to walk away.

“So you're really cool with it?” he asked as I turned the doorknob.

I didn't face him because I knew my face was beet red. Why oh why is it beet red. “Um... yeah. I mean, Rose and Kanaya really like each other so it makes sense that even after the game they'd still want to be together. So, yeah, I think it's fine for Kanaya to come.”

“That wasn't what I was talking about though.”

Oh gosh. Did he mean the repopulating thing?! No, I don't want to have this conversation yet! Maybe when we're on Earth and have no choice left, but not now! D; Quick, say something, Harley. “Er, I think... um... yeah, I'm cool with it. Um.. whatever you were talking about.” Holy cosmos, what was that, Jade?!! I can't even-

“Oh. Okay then. I mean, I did say I was cool with it too. So... okay. We're both okay with it. That's cool. Okay, you were going to leave now, right?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. I was.” I laughed a shaky laugh. “Okay... g'bye!”

“See you, Jade.”

I could've sworn I heard a smile in his voice as I closed the door behind me.


“Can you fly?”

“What's up with your horns?”

“I got new shades. Did you notice?”

“Please tell me you can fly, that'd be so cool!”

“Would you be mad if I poked your horns?”

“Maryam, do you like my shades or what?”

“Boys, settle down.” I said to them exasperatedly but sort of wanting to laugh a little. “That means you too, Dave.”

He folded his arms while he sat shotgun. “You never let me boast my new shades. What's up with that, Harley?”

“Please remember you are a grown man now, Dave.”

“Yeah. I'm a grown man that likes shades. What's wrong with that?”

“You're embarrassing our guest.”

“Oh. My bad.” he turned to Kanaya, “Sorry, Maryam.”

“It's No Problem.”

I was driving more faster than usual, and had borrowed Rose's former car for this day. ...Well, not really “borrowed” because she never really used it since that night years ago and had given it to me for my use.

We had picked up Kanaya after Karkat transported her here on Earth. Oh gosh, it brings back memories just by seeing her. We haven't really been kids anymore ever since the game ended. I guess I wouldn't mind being one again, even just for a while.

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