Present~Part 17

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It was none other that Harlot and her gang of vigilantes from the prison. She stood atop a large log that was being carried by prisoners. When I spotted Knight Charles, I almost choked. Harlot's auburn hair was tied back into a high ponytail letting her bangs fall over her face which made her look childish. She grinned at the room as pulled a sword out of her belt. The rest of the prisoners began to hoot with encouragement as Harlot jumped down.

Did she seriously knocked down the door with that? Where on Earth did she even get a log? I pondered to myself. 

"Dracula," She greeted the King without a bow. "It's been sometime since I've seen your face, but I'm afraid you're time has come." 

The prisoners dropped the log and it landed with a puff of dust. The men were scruffy with torn up outfits. Some were elves, some were vampires and some were even types of goblins. There were a few women here and there, but Harlot seemed to be in control. She twirled her sword, and suddenly Hell broke loose. Dracula frantically shouted orders to his men. 

"Find the girl!" 

"Bring re-enforcements!" 

"Fight, kill them all!" 

"Get a fuckin' move on!" 

A wizard had been amongst the prisoners and he lifted the seal that trapped the souls in the Hall of the Dead, and they came streaming into the courtroom. I heard Bloody Mary squeal with excitement as she floated up from her seat and went to join her spirit company. The Grudge followed behind her. 

Harlot had signaled for the prisoners to begin their battle, and with swords and spears they went full force at Dracula's first line of guards. It became a blur of bodies mixed with the sounds of swords and cries for help. Elaina jumped over the Jury gate and, holding her skirts up with her hands, and rushed towards me. 

"Where's Ally?" She panted over the screeches of the battle. 

"With Jack and Jane." 

She smiled with hope. "They'll protect her." 

Creatures from the seats that had been on the walls were soon jumping down from their places. All had jumped except for the hooded figures who sat very still in their places. The creatures had begun to fight along side the prisoners, and Elaina's smile widened. 

"You did good," I commented.

Elaina nodded briefly with divided attention, but then hurried off. She tore off the skirts that were getting in her way and jumped to rescue Harlot from a guard that was much too big for her to handle on her own. I felt a little misplaced amongst the groups fighting one another. My back arms were ready to battle, but everyone seemed to be interlocked by now. 

I felt the trace of fangs near my neck and I whirled around smacking a vampire who had attempted to bite me. He coughed a little bit and passed out on the red carpet that was already stained with blood. It was beginning to make me sick to my stomach. 

Slowly, vampires tried to bring me down but with one throw or punch they were hunched over on the floor. It wasn't tiring me out at all and I was surprised. However, where was Dracula? I looked up past the fighting and towards the three seats in the front of the room, and saw him pacing. He was on his own since his advisers had abandoned him for the other side. 

I felt something sharp pierce my back and I ducked to avoid another lash. My side started to throb with pain and I could feel blood oozing out of it.

"What the hell!" I spat as I threw the vampire who had stabbed me, but when my back was turned I felt another stab into one of my arms.

Howling, I reached back and plucked that vampire off only to find that it Dracula's double on the loose. I threw him violently across the room with all of my hatred and he landed with a crack before turning into dust. My breathing had become heavy now and my vision was starting to blur at the edges from the blood-loss. This wasn't the end like this. It couldn't.

I had to keep fighting, and that's what I did. 

The original plan was to fight through the guards and jump across the fence towards Dracula, which had become seemingly impossible by now. He had summoned many more guards and vampires than we had expected, and some creatures were still loyal to the Throne. Dracula stayed pacing at the front as I tried to come up with a new plan. 

As I tossed vampire after vampire into the walls near me, I organized the things I had in my favor. I was taller than the average creature and I was also powerful. I was intimidating, and if I struck at the right moment I could get Dracula when he was flabbergasted. I sighed as I threw a ghoul guard to the floor. I had a lot against me. Because of my bleeding, I wouldn't be able to use my telekinetic powers. I was bound to be struck before I reached Dracula, and I had to make sure that I survived as well as Ally. 

This fight wasn't going to go down smoothly. 

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