With a cup of hot tea, we talk about our routines at work and in my turn, I completely skip the part of going out with the boys tomorrow. Later, he asked me to help him in memorizing dialogues. I tried to avoid him at first because auntie isn't at home and for some reason, the maids are also not there. I already feel quite awkward being alone with him but I couldn't refuse because of his puppy dog eyes.

Seriously, that guy doesn't act like a twenty-seven-year-old..!

I settle myself on a single sofa in the living room and he sat on the floor, across the coffee table. In the beginning, he was going great but as time passes, it got harder for me to stay serious. I mean, this is the same guy who was giving me puppy dog eyes and right now, he is defending his imaginary lover from his evil father, with the most serious expression I have ever seen on his face.

"Hira, just stop laughing." He said in annoyance.

"Sorry... sorry. It's just... I am sorry." I said between my laugh.

"Argh!" He dramatically banged his head on the table. It only made me laugh more.

I don't remember when was the last time I laughed like this. My cheeks are starting to ache and I am sure my whole face would be red too. Finally, when I was able to get a hold of myself, I find Zulqarnain staring at me.

"What?" I asked, unconsciously touching my face.

"You look nice when you laugh or smile." He gave me his best smile.

"Huh?" His comment caught me off guard.

"Smile often. Not the forced or formal one, but a natural one. Like the one you have on right now." His eyes are fixed on me as he continued, "The glint in your eyes when you're smiling is one of the most beautiful I've seen." He said, putting his chin onto the surface of the table. If it weren't for the door opening sound that caught his attention, he would have seen the blush that had begun to creep up on my face.


Ahmar's POV:

My hand stopped midway from opening the door of my house when I heard a beautiful female laugh coming from inside the house.

Okay! This isn't Ami's, means...

I narrow my eyes at the door on the thought that my brother must have brought a doll type friend or co-actress with him. But soon, my eyes widened when I heard 'Her' voice.


"You look nice when you laugh or smile." I scoffed at hearing my brother's voice.

"Huh?" She sounded surprised.

"Smile often. Not the forced or formal one, but a natural one. Like the one you have on right now. The glint in your eyes when you're smiling is one of the most beautiful I've seen." I roll my eyes at his dialogue.

So, the jerky brother of mine is really interested in our teacher. Interesting...

Or is he just flirting...?

The second thought that came to mind irritates me a bit and I immediately push the door open, with a frown on my face.

"Assalam o Allaikum!" I said out loud.

"Wallaikum Assalam! You're home early today." The brother of mine shot a comment.

"You don't like me coming home early because I ruined your fun?" I shot back, turning my face to my teacher. Her blushing face instantly lost its colour and a firm expression takes its place, like the one she gives us in our class. That calm look of hers really annoys me, like she is igniting a fire on my bones.

Oh! My Darling TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now