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<>The Next Morning<>


I was sound asleep till I heard what sounded like someone messing with the lock outside my door. It was still early in the morning based on how dark it still was in my room. I sat up and watched the door, more fiddling with the lock till the door opened and a shadow walked in. My eye sight wasn't exactly the greatest so I gave a rub of my eyes and tried to focus on the shadow as best as I could. 

"Marquis? Is that you?" I croaked in a fairly soft whisper. 

"No, even better. It's Chastity." She said as arms embraced me in such a warm hug. I held her tight in sweet relief that it was Chastity. "Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine, I have good news actually." I couldn't wait to share with her what I had managed to memorize from yesterday. When I'm awake, I've decided to continuously repeat the directions to get out of here in my head, making sure not to forget a single hall or specific detail to a door. 

"Before you share, where were you yesterday? Did anything happen to you? Did Marquis do shit he shouldn't have because I'm about to throw hands to all of these niggas for the shit they did yesterday." 

"Nothing happened to me. Marquis took me to this prostitute party but I just sat a table talking to this guy I met. Marquis walked off and then ended up with some woman. What happened to you?" I wish I could see her face to see her expressions right about now but that wasn't the case. Instead the room remained nearly pitch black which left me to wonder how she was able to know exactly where I was in the room? That's not important to focus on right now, there are other things that are far more in need of our attention than how she was able to see me in the dark. 

"That's all that happened to you? Did you get help?" 

"No. He said something about how he's giving me an inch and wants to see if I'll take a mile instead. So I just remained real low key and out of the way. This goes hand in hand with my good news but please tell me what happened to you and are you okay?" I felt her sit more comfortably on my bed, shifting about till I felt her smooth bare leg touch mine. I scooted over some more so she wasn't right near the edge and found myself pressed against the cold stone wall. 

"Last night all of us were called to this chamber like room. It was a dark blue-violet room with these red lights- anyways. It was just us females and Quan, my damn owner all in this room. He was waiting for you to show up but you never did so he said we'd start without you. He wanted all of us to put on a show for him. I was first to object like always and then these other men came in, shooting us up with some drug that fucked us all over. I guess he got his show because he was complimenting me not too long ago about the performance I put on with Mickey." My jaw dropped in pure shock at what she said. 

"They drugged you guys?" I asked to make sure I heard that right. 

"I didn't mind the drugs because it seemed like it was something I've fucked with before but to get us to all basically be apart of one giant sex fest is what's disgusting. I heard he taped it all- it's just a mess. This place is sick and we need to get the hell out. Just please tell me Marquis hasn't done anything to you?" The sheer concern in her voice only reminded me that I wasn't alone in all this, I had someone else right by my side through this ordeal. 

"That's horrible, oh my God. Chastity I'm so sorry but I assure you he hasn't even as much as touched me in any way." I couldn't even begin to imagine all that went down in that room. 

"Just as long as Marquis ain't done shit to you. Quan stays being a fuck boy but I get loud and snap, then he punishes me with this whip shit. I'll show you the welt I got from earlier on because I uppercut his jaw when he tried to pull down my shorts like as if they were some fire alarm. He wanna make my stay a living hell? I'll make my presence around him just as bad and we'll see who buys me if we make it to auction. I'm over this bullshit." I feel like this is just the aftermath of the drugs. She seemed way too hyped up but then again, she's shown me she has her times of no mercy. "Onto more positive things, what's your good news?" 

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