Chapter One: A History Lesson For Little Pup

Start from the beginning

Nodding his thanks, Warrick headed towards his father's office.


Raymond Niall Mungo, Alpha Rex of the Wolf Shifters, turned to his Regina, Candace, and placed a kiss upon her small hand before using it to lead her down the hall and into his office. Once there, he again called to his son, "Warrick!"

He sat in one of the arm chairs in front of the hearth, pulling his wife down onto his lap and kissing her on the cheek.

"You called, Dad?" Warrick asked, walking into the open doorway.

"Yes. You can leave the door open. Stephen's coming. Just have a seat. We have some things to discuss."

Warrick closed his eyes in dread. He knew that this discussion would most likely involve one of three subjects: his lack of responsibility, pack business or finding his mate. Neither subject appealed to him right now. His thoughts were far away, on run through the woods or in the sparring ring with his friends. He walked slowly to sit in one of the arm chairs circled around the unlit fireplace.

"Warrick, an honored guest will be arriving to stay with us in our home, soon."

"Huh?" he asked, startled.

"Well, I should actually say guests," Raymond mused, the merriment in his eyes shining out at Warrick as he enjoyed his youngest child's look of shock. It was true. His mate did not normally allow visitors to stay in their private home, though they called it the Pack House. "Guests stay in the Palace," had always been her firm rule, and everyone knew that Warrick was the most popular member of their family. If any of his brothers were on their way for a visit, he would have been the first to know.

"Well, don't keep me in suspense. Who's coming?"

"We're so glad you asked," Candace chimed in. "It's my god sister Elly's baby girl. She'll soon be turning eighteen, and she's heading off to Wolfpax U!"

"You mean Sandy the Super Brain?" Warrick asked, incredulously. Didn't she already graduate when she was, like five?"

"Four, dear, and her name is Thandie," Candace corrected. "Thandie Ferris.

"She'll be bringing with her fifty enforcers. They will be divided between the ten barracks, and not less than four will sleep here, in the house."

"Isn't that a bit excessive for a personal security force?" asked Stephen, frowning as he walked through the office door.

"She's a special case," Raymond stated cryptically. "She will be arriving one week before school begins. Warrick, you will organize the sleeping quarters, and place the men into the training rotation. An advance force of twenty will arrive in one week. Give them your full cooperation. I have already shared your information with James Talvel, your counterpart with the Talvel pack. The black file on the table contains everything you need to know about him, and the red file contains the necessary information on Thandie."

"Stephen, you will be coordinating with the Palace staff and the University, to ensure that the Enforcers receive any assistance they may require. In addition, you will be handling the diplomatic portion of this, determining whether there is anything specific that is required by the pack to make her feel more comfortable. All of the details about who you will need to contact are in the green file."

"This is top secret. Do Not disclose the information to anyone outside this room. Make sure that, after you review the files, they are secured at all times."

"Yes, Sir," they immediately agreed.

"Dad, what kind of 'special case' are we talking about" asked Warrick, sitting forward in his chair.

A Scientific Rejection, Book I: The Making (On Indefinite Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now