"Fuck, sorry," you said, face reddening.

All the boys except Wonwoo helped you pick up your papers and he made sure you noticed. He stood next to the group of his group members with crossed arms and a blank face. As soon as you had your papers together, you stormed out the room.

And so this pattern continued for the span about a week. You would come into the practice room, explain their events, then leave. Even when you were informing them of their upcoming plans, you would stutter and stumble over your words as if you were talking to people you've never met before. None of the boys had brought up the fact that you had pretty much moved out of the dorm after Wonwoo had broken up with you, and you weren't sure if they expected you to come back to get your leftover items that were still there.

Tonight, as you look up at your friend's guest room ceiling, you wonder where everything went wrong. Wonwoo and you had been so happy, then one day, he just decided to drop you?

"I think we should end it, (Y/N)," he told you.

"What?" you replied, chuckling nervously, "Y-You're kidding."

He looked up at you with an apologetic frown on his face.

"I'm not. I...I don't think this is working out."

What did he mean? The relationship was doing fine- amazing, in your opinion.

"What do you mean it's not working out? I didn't know something was wrong, Wonwoo. Can't we talk it out?" you pleaded, not accepting this sudden news.

"You're a distraction from my job, and I'm a distraction from yours."

"What?! Wonwoo, we literally work together!"

"(Y/N), can you just understand that I don't want you anymore?!" he bursts out with a louder pitch.

"Wonwoo, how can you say that?" you yelled at him, not wanting to show how hurt you were, "I don't understand why you're acting like this all the sudden! You and I are not distraction from each other; I'm your fucking assistant, Wonwoo."

"Maybe that's all you were meant to be."

You froze, speechless. The strings in your heart pulled and ached while you backed away from him.

"I..." you started.

"You should leave," he finished, looking away from you.

And you were out the door with tears racing down your face that Wonwoo never wiped away.

Had he really meant that you were just an assistant? All you wanted him to say that he never meant it and that he wanted you back because you did. You wanted him back so bad, and it was so pathetic.

Groaning at your thoughts and rolling onto your stomach, you reached for your phone. As you picked it up, you got a text from Joshua, making your eyes light up. One of them finally texted you!

Jisoos Christ: can you come over? it's an emergency.

You furrowed your eyebrows together.

is that a good idea? wonwoo is there, isn't he?

it doesn't matter, come over now please

give me 15.

Running up the stairs to the boys' apartment, you found yourself getting nervous once again. This was the first time you would be in the apartment ever since the break up. You took your key out from your pocket and slowly unlocked the door. Opening the door, you saw the one person you hoped you wouldn't.

Wonwoo was sitting on the couch, reading.

He immediately looked up at you while you shut the door in confusion.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

You cringed at his statement. You technically still sort of lived there.

"Joshua told me to come over. He said it was an emergency?" you awkwardly told him, switching your weight from one foot to another.

"Uh, pretty sure the boys are out for a drink?"

The puzzle pieces slowly came together and your scoffed in realization. They would do this to you.

"Oh," was all you could say before you turned around to leave. But to your surprise, the door knob was being held closed from the outside. You wiggled the knob violently, then looked in the peep hole.

There stood Joshua and the rest of the boys behind him.

"Why aren't you leaving?" a deep voice said behind you, making you jump and turn around.

Wonwoo was inches away from your face. You immediately moved to the side and pointed at the peep hole. He looked himself, then started shaking the door knob like you did.

"We're not opening the door until you guys fix things!" Seungkwan called out from outside.

"What do you mean you're not opening the door?!" you yelled back.

There was silence outside the door, and no reaction.

"This isn't helping our situation at all," Wonwoo commented.

"Since when did you need help for 'our situation'? You're the one that said that I'm just an assistant," you muttered the last part.

He frowned at your cold words.

"(Y/N), that was weeks ago."

"And you think that I'm over it?'

"We already went over this."

"No, we didn't. Your bullshit of a reason of ending it was not 'going over it'."

"Listen, I didn't mean it when I said you were just an assistant."

"Mm, thanks. Now I'm healed, Wonwoo," you retorted, sarcastically.

"I never wanted to hurt you."

"Then why did you end it?"


"You what?"

"I was scared, (Y/N). I was scared I was going to start caring more about you than my job."

"And that's a bad thing?" you ask, a little hurt that he wanted his job to be a bigger priority than you.

"No, it's not! It's just that I would let a lot of people down if you became my number one priority."

"Well, Wonwoo, you let me down when you left me. I don't need to be your number one priority for us to happen. I understand how your job works because in case you forgot, I'm a part of it."

He stayed silence through your heartfelt preach.

"I love you, Wonwoo, and I want to support you in whatever you do."

You didn't realize it at first, but Wonwoo was crying. He brought his head up to look at you with water works gleaming in his eyes.


"I'm sorry, (Y/N). Why do you keep treating me so lovingly when I've hurt you so much?," he mumbled, walking towards you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You didn't respond; you just placed your hands on his shoulders.

"I love you too. Please stay by my side until the end," Wonwoo told you, burying his face in your neck.

"Ah, you're so greasy," you suddenly teased, giggling.

In the middle of your laughing, Wonwoo pulled away from your neck and grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. As cliché as it sounds, it felt like your first kiss with him and you were in bliss for the seconds he lingered his lips on yours.

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