Tied with the anomaly of Slytherin. Your train of thought chugged to him just as he walked into the Great Hall for breakfast. His form, petite in stature, pale-skinned, and topped off with a head of bright pink hair, almost cute, did not at all look like it belonged in a suit of green and silver. But during the sorting ceremony, when he had been even shorter and dark-haired, and had hopped up on the stool, the hat called out 'Slytherin!' without hesitation. And his personality was even more of a surprise than his appearance.

Typical Slytherins came by the bucket load. Serpent ties and scowls on their faces, arrogant but intelligent, cocky but fiercely loyal once their trust was earned. Slytherins were feared and sometimes, most times, for good reason. But the boy by the name of Lee Jihoon, or Woozi, was the untypical Slytherin that was incredibly rare, but fit your pattern to a tee. He was friendly, well-liked by all - you had noticed that the amount of times he said and received 'hello's in the morning and 'goodbye's before he left a room was overwhelming.

He was acquainted or friendly with almost everyone in your year, save you. He had spoken to you, once or twice in passing, a 'have you seen Professor Nesbit around?' or 'can you pass me the Frog Eye?', but never anything more or with any indication that he knew your name. Though he was always incredibly polite and smiled at you each time. You wondered how he could be so popular and smart as well. With him being tied with you for top of the year, you noticed that you almost never saw him in the library studying, but he excelled in every class and charmed every teacher.

Lee Jihoon was a puzzle that your mind wanted so very badly to solve. But over the years you tried and tried and could never put the pieces together.

"You're staring again." Your friend Joshua spoke out at the table beside you, making you jump at his sudden words.

"No, I'm not." You instantly lied, eyes going back to the Care of Magical Creatures book you had open in front of you.

"You haven't turned a page in the last five minutes. Of course you're staring." He bit his toast with a certain kind of sass he only had when he knew he was right.

You put a page marker in your book and closed it, sighing. "So what if I was? It's not illegal." You sassed back, looking at Joshua, who was smirking.

"If it was illegal, you'd be in Azkaban by now." He smirk only grew. He thought he was clever. He just loved the power he thought he held over you because of your so called 'crush'.

You simply made a face at Joshua and started gathering your things. "I have to go study." You excused yourself as you rose from the Ravenclaw table.

"Don't you always?" You heard your friend's parting words and rolled your eyes, knowing he couldn't see you as you walked away.

What you didn't know, in all your accumulation if knowledge, was that as you exited the Great Hall, a pair of dark brown eyes were glued to the back of your head, as intellectually engaged with you as you were with him.


Transfiguration. You were finished with Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Defense Against The Dark Arts, and now it was on to Transfiguration. You never really had trouble with the theoreticals, and when you mastered those the practicals came easy, so this night of homework was simply long more than it was hard.

You ended up in the library pretty much every day after class. It's not like you were overly obsessed with keeping your 'top of the class' title or anything, it just happened that way. Growing up in the Muggle world and only finding out about your magical status at the age of ten (a short year before you began attending Hogwarts) made you entirely fascinated with all your subjects. This meant you were eager to get the homework done, even if there wasn't that much - which was become less and less true as you progressed in your sixth year - and you ended up at the library immediately after class and stayed there until well after nightfall when the library closed. Occasionally Madame Pince (who had been working at Hogwarts for God knows how long) let you stay past closing if she felt like it. You couldn't even count all the times you had locked up the library for her and snuck back to the Ravenclaw Tower.

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