"Dad's planning to kick me out at the end of September this year, maybe even on my birthday. Mom's against it, of course."

"What do you plan to do about that? That's your own problem, I can't help you."

"Let me move in with you. I just need a place to stay. I would ask my friends, but this is a family matter and that makes you the only one I can turn to." Jongdae stood up and pleaded for his brother's help. If Jongdeok turned him away, Jongdae didn't know what he would do. "Please, Jongdeok. I-I'll find a job and pay half the living costs with you. Please... just help me."


Jongdeok's one word response hit Jongdae more than the latter expected. "Why?" Jongdae choked out. "Why won't you help me? I need you the most right now, Jongdeok." Despair filled Jongdae's entire body when Jongdeok shook his head. Jongdae also felt fear because he was at a loss. He wasn't prepared for such a turn of events and it was too urgent and everything seemed to come faster than he could handle. It was too big for him to carry over his shoulders.

There was no time to keep his tears at bay, not as if Jongdae had the strength to hold back. Defeated, Jongdae locked himself in his bathroom, waiting for everything to pass, waiting for Jongdeok to leave.

Ah, what's happening?

Several minutes later, Jongdae emerged from the bathroom to see Jongdeok sitting on his bed, the box set aside. Jongdae quickly hid his face and busied himself by inspecting his bookcase of albums. "You're still here?"

"My place is a bit far off from your school. You'd probably have to take the subway. I'm renting it cheap from an old couple; it's quite small, but I think we can make room. You can sell some of your... stuff... for more space and money. You can bring your bed and we'll share it. My back's been hurting from sleeping on the floor every night. When were you planning to move out again?"


Baekhyun held out a gift bag, "Here you go, Sweetie." Jongdae eyed the bag suspiciously before taking it and peering inside. "Don't worry, I got it on sale -- twenty percent off and free shipping."

It was an animal hoodie, a cat to be exact. It was one of those hoodies where the hood had ears pointing out and the ends of the sleeves had a slot for the hands like mittens, styled as paws. Jongdae had always questioned about those who bought and wore such clothing, but apparently he was going to be one of them. It wasn't really his style, but since Baekhyun bought him one...

Baekhyun grinned brightly as Jongdae slipped it on. In excitement, Baekhyun lent a helping hand, zipping up the hoodie and adjusting the hood over Jongdae's head. Baekhyun even helped Jongdae with the mittens. "You look so adorable!" Baekhyun gushed. "How do you like it?"

"It's... cute."

Baekhyun's smile disappeared, a strange look crossing his face. "You don't like it, do you? Okay, I'll just send it back." Before Jongdae could respond, Baekhyun started to pull the zipper down.

"Hey, I didn't say I didn't like it," Jongdae stepped back.

"I'm not stupid. I know when you don't like something. You're not even smiling. It's okay, I'll just return it. Someone else can have it. I was online shopping for some clothes and that appeared and it reminded me of you so I bought it without thinking that you might not even like it. I mean, you've already made it clear you don't like me spending money on you and whatever, but I just--"

Jongdae placed a paw over Baekhyun's mouth to shut him up. "You can't return this, it's mine now. I decide what to do with it and I'm keeping it."

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