Chapter 10: Control

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"The submissive is always in control." I told him seriously. "You decide how far I can go with you. You set the limits, you choose when it ends. I have power yes, but you control how I exert that power, which means you have all the control."

"B—But Master Drake said—"

"Forget Master Drake. He's no longer relevant and everything he told you was bullshit anyway. From now on you're starting over." I told him. "I know it won't be easy, but I want you to forget all the negative experiences you had before and adapt what I teach you because I'm teaching you the right way. Do you understand?"

He nodded.

"Good. The most important thing you need to understand is that you're human. You're not indestructible and you have emotions. So if someone is trying to break you, whether physically or emotionally, then you need to put an end to it. That's your responsibility, because only you know your limits."

Another nod. "Okay."

"If you don't like something, you make it stop, understand?"

Another nod. "And how do you do that?"

"My safe word?"

"Exactly. What's your safe word?"


"Good. The second thing you need to understand is that the only people who matter are those who have your best interests in your friend Monte for instance."

"And you?"

I smiled at his softly spoken words. "And me."

He was watching me intently now; his big eyes fixed on my face and his cheeks flushed.

"And the third and most important thing you should know, is that sometimes I can be a grumpy son of a bitch, but if I'm ever keeping up my usual bullshit, you can feel free to tell me to fuck off...respectfully of course."

That got a smile out of him and I reached over to pull gently on his curls. He was so delicate and adorable and perfect. I hooked a hand behind his neck and pulled him in for a light kiss. When I pulled away, his face was flushed deep-red and he couldn't seem to meet my eyes.

"You'll always be safe with me Cam. You can tell me absolutely anything. You can ask me whatever you want and I'll never judge. I'm here to help you and everything you say is relevant okay?"

He nodded, but he still couldn't quite meet my eyes.

I shifted my tray to the table on my side of the bed and raised a leg so I could prop my elbow on my knee. I could feel the wound throbbing beneath the bandages. "Now tell me about Rita."

He leaned back against with headboard with a shrug. "She hates me." He explained in earnest. "She's been working at the diner for way longer than me and she's never gotten employee of the month. I heard her telling some of the other workers that I only got it because I suck up to the boss, but we don't even see him that much, and I've only ever talked to him like three times and it was just because he likes to talk, but I work really hard."

I bit back a grin. "I have no doubt that you do."

He took a deep breath. "I tried giving her tips once so I could help her win, but I think I offended her." He told me quite seriously. "She doesn't talk to me at all now, or if she does, she calls me Cameron."

This time I couldn't help the laugh that burst forth at his tirade. He was gold, he truly was...especially as he watched me with narrowed eyes and a cute little frown. "If she really wanted Employee of the Month she would work hard for it. Don't give up on another one just because she's lazy."

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