Chapter 3

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POV: Finn
"Finn stop" Cole shouts . I listen but as soon as I do the screaming got louder . I fall to the ground with my hands to my ears lying in fetal position. Cole quickly rushes to my side. "Finn" I hear him shout. My body decides that I couldn't take it any more . I black out .

I wake up my bed. Complete silence over takes the room. Last thing I remember was seeing Cole at the door from my bedroom window. I decided to get up in look for him. I soon start to hear a ringing in my hear . My vision blurred . I soon see a figment walk in to my room . I realize it's my brother. He rushes to my side . "Don't get up" he says. I sat down of my bed and looked up at my brother. "We need to talk" he said with a serious tone. He sat down on a chair across me . He then picked up a glass full of red liquid and set it down on my night stand. "If you don't touch this glass then we are good but if you do then we have problems". I've never seen him so serious. He left the room and I continued staring at the glass.

POV: Cole
I left Finns room and stayed in the hallway waiting for him to drink the glass. If he drinks the glass he gives in to voice and turns if he doesn't his pain will continue. A wave of anger came over me. The thought of my innocent brother becoming one of us ran chills down my spine. But it raised the question on how is he this way. There are only three ways to become one of us. Genetics , shared DNA , and ...
Lost in my thoughts I hear a glass brake in the other room. I stand in the door way. I see my brothers face covered in blood and broken pieces of glass on the floor . He drank it.

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