Chapter 1

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POV: Cole

"You think my brother's like me! Dude he's a angel compared to me. And plus he's a human." I nearly had a six pack by the time I was done laughing at this thought. Leo gave me a concerned look. "Do you honestly think my brother is a soulless killing hybrid " I ask him ,questioning his earlier statement. He looked to the ground and said nothing. "As I thought. Now get in loser we are going hunting!" I quickly got in to the drivers  seat of my blue pick up truck and waited for leo to get to get his ass in the car.  The thrill of the hunt nearly takes over as I floor the pedal. "where are we going" Leo asks. "Trust me , you'll love it "I say with excitement.

POV: Finn ( Coles brother)

Thoughts of my brother fill my mind. I worry for him ever time he takes off. I'm tired of covering for him I wish he would just tell  mom  and the family what he his. " you know thats not possible" A small voice in my head says. "Shut up" I scream aloud. My  mom and dad look up from there plates and stare at me as if I had lobster crawling out of my eyes. Silence fills the room. I quickly ask " may I go to my room"? With a nod of a approval from my mother I sprint to my room. I feel a wave of anger come over myself but quickly dismiss it before it becomes something more. I can feel myself slipping away. "just give in to me Finn you know you are exactly like your brother". The voice says to me . " shut up" I scream as I bang my head against the wardrobe.

POV: Cole

Over 50  head less bodies lay dead. I stand over them, clutching my scythe. "May I" I ask the voice . "you may" I hear him reply. I quickly drop the scythe and start licking the blood and eating the brain matter off the floor, I dig my hand through a chest clutching the bloody heart and pulling it out. "Tonight we feast" I yell to Leo.Leo drops to the ground and starts eating while I made out with the heart. Every monstrosity I am found its way out.

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