Chapter 2 - Duke Westmont

Start from the beginning

"A man named, Duke Westmont, is coming to the castle today."

"Yes, okay. What would you like me to do? Show him around?" I asked.

"Yes, I would like you to show him around, and the Duke would like the honor of courting you," he replied. 

"Again?" I asked. There were people who wanted to court me all of the time, but only because I was a princess. They knew I would become queen upon my twentieth birthday, or twentieth hundredth birthday. Most of the time my suitors were seventy, and to them I was sixteen. Although humans aren't normally let in the castle, unless for service to the castle. Some weren't about seventy though, depending on the... species, I guess you could say.

"Relax, Darling, he's  a vampire," my Father said, then sighed. I hated being courted by a human, the temptation for the blood was unreal, and there was no point in it anyway. They would die before I became queen, so they had no chance of being king, which was all they really wanted. They cold care less about me.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"Only seventeen hundred, Dusk."

"Okay, I'll be on my best behavior, at least I'll try."

"Dusk, we've talked about this." Father sighed.

"I know Father, you want me to find a suitor, before I become queen. I'm sorry, i'll try harder. I just haven't felt that... spark, you know?"

"Of course, Dear, just keep an open mind, okay?"

"Okay." I sighed.

I turned around again, and began to walk.

"Dusk?" Mother's voice rang.

"Yes, Mother?" I didn't turn around, I only turned my head to face her.

"Put on some shoes, will you?"

"Sure." I faked a smile, then mad my dramatic exit.


I walked down the hallway, slowly. Placing one foot in front of the other, letting my shoes make a small click sound, each time the hill of my shoe hit the floor. I used my left hand to hold up the fabric of my dress. My right hand slid against the wall as I walked.

I began hearing sounds, the sounds from my dream last night. I walked a little faster.

I had finished my 'to-do' list, and Duke Westmont wasn't due for another hour, so I took my time exploring. I decided to look for the place in my dream.

I passed closed door, after close door, I placed my hand on the door handle, and twisted it slowly.


I tried another, and another. All of them locked. I then decided to try one more. I grabbed the door handle, and twisted it. Unlocked. I began to push it open.

"Miss?" I nearly jumped. I quickly looked over. My maid stood their arms folded in front of herself.


"Duke Westmont has arrived, he's waiting in the throne room, with your parents."

"Of course."

I followed the maid to the throne room. Before I enter she disappeared down the hall.

Has it really been an hour?

I felt my hair to make sure it wasn't frizzy, and straightened my dress out. I waved my hand to tell the guards to open the doors.

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