Chapter 2 - Duke Westmont

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Hi everyone! Here's the next chapter to Royal Blood! 

There is a picture of a man/boy at the top, who is a close to how I imagine Duke Westmont, but not exactly. Just remember that all images that I put with the story aren't exactly how I imagine them, but they are close.

But, hey, guess what? You can imagine everything however you want to.

Now, let Chapter 2 of Royal Blood begin:


I walked into the throne room, making a dramatic entrance. I loved doing that. The guards at the door knew that too. One guard was placed on both sides of the door. They used their arm closet to the door to push it open for me. The doors were thrust inwards revealing the throne room. The air blew back my hair, off my shoulders, making it even more dramatic.

My Mother and Father sat on their thrones, on the other end of the room. Father's was big and bold, while Mother's was small and skinny. Their thrones sat on a six inch step, while a red canopy, type, drape was placed above and around the thrones. The room was dimmed  lit, with nothing other than the chandeliers on the ceiling. On each wall there were guards. Maybe about twenty spread along the walls. Not like Father, or even my ... mother needed them. They had super strength, as well as other vampires did. We have super strength, speed, and hearing. I cold hear the breathing of every guard in this room, the pulsing of the blood running through their veins. Even their heartbeat at its slowest. Not to say that hearing to blood running threw them wasn't a complete, and honest almost torture. I could taste the warm, sweet, blood now, but I wouldn't. I couldn't ever see myself killing some one, even though it was my nature. So, I went on a... diet- to say.

Mother sat tall and regal in her throne, as well as Father. They had their arms sat on the arm rests, and their backs straight. They looked straight forward, right at me. I wondered where my grandmother was, but remembered she was on official business for the kingdom. She always was, so I rarely got to see her.

Mother used her hand to push her dark locks, from her face. "Darling, my darling, Dusk," She said, in a smooth whisperer voice. 

"Yes, Mother?"

"We have a list of things you need to do, today."


She moved her hand to usurer a maid to me. The maid held out a silver tray, with a scroll on it. I took the scroll from the tray. The maid ran to stand back next to my Mother.

They gave me these to-do lists often. Perhaps, five times a week. I often didn't have time to rest on the week days, but on weekends did what ever I could find to do to entertain myself. i normally would explore, because even in my sixteen hundred year of living in the castle, I never have explored every inch of it.

I unrolled the scroll, and looked at my list.

Not as many things that are normally on there. I was glad for that. The dream I had last night, had to have been set in the castle, because I've never left the castle walls. I was gonna find that place, after I got through with the list.

"I'll get on it, Mother." I turned around and began walking out. I heard the faint slapping of bare feet on the ground, and realized that I had forgot to where shoes. Although, I didn't care, I wasn't one who liked to wear shoes.

"Uh, and Dusk?" Father voice, rang through the room. I turned back around and faced him.

"Yes, Father?"

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