Interview with IridescentStarlight

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Of the Female Persuasion. ;)

What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

First Eclipse, White Willow, Star Shower and The Revolution. FE, WW and SS are a part of a series, and The Revolution was separate, but I took it down.

Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why?

Star Shower, because it the last of the series and the most elaborate of the three books. I think it really shows how my writing has progressed from the first book to this one.

Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books?

Well, I try not to incorporate my life too much with my books. I want to make them 100% their own, or as close as they can be. But I do put in my own values and beliefs, and some things in my life have influenced the inspiration for some things in my stories. For example, Samantha, the main character in my series, starts off in the first book as a girl who’s never had a boyfriend and who’s a little insecure in herself. I am the same way sometimes. I’ve never had a boyfriend, and though most of the time I’m pretty confident in myself, I also can’t help but be insecure at times. Samantha is pretty much me, in a lot of different ways.

When you\'re writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you\\\'re writing such as listening to music?

I don’t listen to music or anything really. I just write when the inspiration hits me, which is pretty often. But in case I get writer’s block, I always map out a plot line for my story for when that happens to avoid it. I get major writer’s block sometimes, and its tough for me to work past. So if I didn’t have that plot line to look back on and remember what I was thinking to happen next in the story, I’d probably be screwed. Haha.

What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

I started writing and posting my work when I was thirteen and, believe it or not, my inspiration was…*cough, cough* The Jonas Brothers…haha. I wrote a ‘Jonas Sister’ story and posted it on youtube. It was basically me as the Jonas Sister and I was adopted by them into their family…like an alternate reality. Haha yeah I was obsessed, but hey! Without that I would’ve never started writing serious stuff, so I don’t regret it. It was great practice. :)

Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

Stephanie Meyer and Anne Bradstreet. I know I should only have one, but you see, there’s a difference between the inspiration those two women give me. Stephanie Meyer really got me into writing more serious things, and reading her work helped me construct my own style of writing. So, she was my inspiration to start writing, but my inspiration to keep writing was Anne Bradstreet.

She was one of the first settlers in America, you know, and back then women weren’t even allowed to go school. But she read countless books, educated herself, and eventually started writing poetry. And when she published them, people accused her of stealing her work from a man, because no woman could possibly be that great of a writer. *rolls eyes* She was the first women to publish her works, and even when they shot her down, she didn’t care – she kept writing. And that’s exactly what I want to be like. To write no matter what anyone has to say about it, because that’s what I love the most.

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