Chapter 5

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After talking with Duncan, i quickly fly over to Honeydew inc. to get Xephos and Honeydew. I land in front of the door to the factory and open it. I look around but they aren't on the same floor as im on. I fly up to the next floor and see Xephos, Sjin, and Sips eating pork while Honeydew is saying something to them. As i get closer, i can hear what he's saying "No! I will not! Eating friends is wrong!" Hineydew yelled.

"Nothing else is cooked just eat the pork!" Xephos said back to him in a clam tone.

"Uh... Am i interupting anything?" I blurt in. They all turn to me as if i just appeared out of thin air.

"Oh, hello Rythian. What do you need?" Xephos asked polietly.

"Um, well, i am holding a meeting at Duncans castle and need you guys there" I say. I see doubt in Sjins eyes as he is just about to ask me something. "I'll explain there, but it's crucial that your there, and were going to need supplies, also, Sjin get Minty, were going to need all the help we can get."

"If it's so crucial why don't you just tell us here!" Sjin said.

"Because i still have to go get Martyn and Toby and wait for Zoey and Teep to get back with everyone else!" I say to Sjin.

"Well fine then!" Sjin said as he stormed out of the factory.

"Sips, why is Sjin so angry?" i ask.

"I don't know, he's just been angry all day today, I'll get him to Duncans castle, ok?" Sips replied back to me.

"Ok good, see you there," I say as Sips leaves. "Oh and Honeydew, i need to talk to you, privately," when i say this, Xephos sighs and flie out of the room and up to a higher floor.

"What do you need friend." Honeydew says to me in his usual cheerful voice.

The Subplot continues! Dun Dun DUN!!!

Well, sure has been a while since i wrote the last one but with skyrim and other distraction i've been pretty busy, and sometimes i was just lazy and didn't feel like writing but this needed to be done so yah.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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