Chapter 4

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Rythian POV

"Zoey, one more thing, tell them all to meet at Duncan's castle!" I yelled to her and Teep as our minecarts diverge in opposite directions.

“Okay!” I barely heard her howler back as my minecart races towards Duncan's castle.

Once I arrive at the his castle, I flew up out of the station and over the river towards his castle. I was tempted to just fly in over the front wall, but decided that it would be better if I used the front gate. “Duncan! Open up! It's me, Rythian! I need to talk to you!” I yell hoping he would hear me over his annoying machines, heck I could even hear those blasted things from out here! “Im coming in!” I yelled as I flew over his wall. He obviously sees me and comes running out in of his laboratory.

“You could have knocked or yelled before just flying into peoples homes you know” He said with a somewhat serious tone. I just look at him and laugh.

“I did knock and try to get your attention before I just flew in” I say. “Not the point, anyway, I am going t get everyone to rendezvous here so be ready The enderdragon is coming.” I say grimly. It takes him a moment to realize what I said before he went into full blown panic mode.

“Im just recovering from all that Israphel madness and n ow your telling me this! Why are we constantly getting attacked by world conquering magical beings!” He yelled franticly as he ran about.

“Duncan! Stop panicing!” I yell at him. He instantly stops and looks at me. “Just magic or science alone can't stop her, thats why I came to you, I need you to make a laser beam that will use my enderbane as a catalyst to amplify the power and that should obliterate her. I figured that you would be the most knowledgeable on how to make this happen so I came to you first.” This seems to calm him down as he thinks about how he could make that possible.

“That actually might work! I could even put it in my spaceship so it's transportable. Rythian, your a genius!” he exclaims to me. I unsheathe then enderbane and hand it to him.

“make sure not to break it. It's the only one of those in existance, it can kill a enderman with one swipe.” He nods and takes the sword “Oh and by the way, how good are you at forging?”

Yah! I did it. And also Yah! Subplot! What is duncan forging(well I know but you people will find out later)

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