Chapter 1

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Takes place after Fall of the Endermage, so if you haven't, read that first.

Rythian POV

     I awaken to the sweet smell of jaffas. "I should be dead.", I thought I slowly start to open my eyes and see Zoey sleeping on a chair and Teep sleeping on the ground next to her. "I must be dead". I  keep looking at her and can't help but smile, "If only this was real". I start to get up, still glancing over at her to make sure she is still sleeping, i get out of the bed slowly, regaining my balance, and walk over to the door. I look out to see Xephos and Honeydew eating jaffas with Nilesy, i can only assume Hannah is near by. Just then, Hannah walks past the door, I try to duck behind the door but trip ands fall over causing a big thud. This alerts Hannah and wakes Zoey and Teep.

     Zoey jumps out of her chair, running towards me screaming in joy "Rythian! Your back!" she then proceded to hug me while Teep jumped with joy.

     "Zoey, your crushing my insides!" im barely able to say.

     She lets go and smiles awkwardly "Oh, sorry."

     "It's ok" i say. I turn around to see Hannah standing right in the doorway smiling at me and Zoey.

    "I'll be going now" Hannah quickly says as she walks down stairs to where the others are still eating. I turn back to Zoey and just smile.

      "Zoey? Are you hungry, im starved." I say, she shakes her head and we walk down the marble steps to where everyone else was. "Hey guys,do any of you happen to have some food on you at the moment?" i say awkwardly. Hannah quickly pulls out a porkchop and hands it to me. I thank her and turn back to Zoey. "So, what have you been up to?"

      "Well i helped Strippen and Benji set up a railroad system between everyones bases, and i found one of your books that told me how to make the flying gem,it blew up in my face like you said. Oh and i also watched Duncan deactivate and destroy his nuke he was saving."She said eagerly "I've done alot since I woke up three days ago." As she says that last part, i frown, what did she mean by since i woke up?

         "What do you mean by that?" I ask

        "Since the big fight with israphel" as she says that, i realize what i've done. Noticing this, she quickly says "Rythian, it's ok. It wasn't you who did those horrible things, It was Israphel, and it was you that stoped him from killing all of us anyway. Rythian? Did you hear me! It wasn't you! No one blames you. You saved us all! Everyone, even Sjin and Duncan, were amazed on how you broke free of israphels hold. No ones ever done that, ask Xephos."

         "Zoey, can we just leave,please" i quickly say barely able to look up at her.

          "Yah. I'll show you the railroad system. It's really cool. It was build by me, and the members of railbros inc. but everyone helped and gave supplies." We get into minecarts and i see many rails going in different directions labeled different titles. I saw, Lombucket Industires, Duncans Castle, and...Cabertown?

         "Zoey, whats Cabertown?" i turn to ask her as she sets her minecart on the track for it.

        "Oh, Ravs moved to sickbay and acidently killed the mayor, becoming the new mayor. So he renamed it." She replied.

        "Oh, ok." i say as her minecart zooms on the redstone rails,"Come on Tee." i say as i start going down the rails. i look back to see him keeping up with me. It was a suprisingly short rail ride, if i do say so myself. when i get to the end, i get out of my minecart and see Zoey waiting there to greet me.

        "Base camp hasn't changed too much sinceyou've last been here." she says. we then open the door leading outside and are greeted by sand and desert sun.

Yay! First Chapter!

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