"-yet you can't even make it close to halfway up the cliff before struggling and giving up on your confident challenge"

Sakura looked on the verge of tears and tried to collect herself.

"You're a disgrace" he ended with frightful venom in his voice.

The trio looked shocked and felt like a joke. Sasuke, who had now taken it as a shot to his pride, drew a kunai and ran toward his Sensei, anger overriding any sense of control and calmness.

Kakashi sighed and gradually hit a pressure point on the boy's wrist, causing a painful spasm. Sasuke cringed, not expecting Kakashi to follow through with his defense. His sensei raised his leg and kicked the side of Sasuke's head. He flew across the field, smashing into a large tree, denting it and creating a small crater where his head hit.

Naruto and Sakura gaped at the scene. Sasuke groaned and slowly lifted himself to his elbows, using one hand to wipe the blood from his lips even though a large amount of it poured from his temple. He stared at his sensei in disbelief.

Kakashi righted himself and stood tall, showing dominance over the lot by releasing a small amount of killing intent. The kids shivered with fear though Sasuke showed a slight amount more resistance, it didn't last long before he started shivering from fear as well.

The genin's eyes were wide as they stared at the man Infront of them, not knowing what to do and feeling genuinely afraid.

"Let me make this clear to you" the copycat nin started "this is not a democracy. I am the leader and you are simple soldiers. I am alpha here and what I say goes. Discipline and respect will be shown in this team and that is exactly what this is. A team. The whole point of this exercise was teamwork!" he ended with a deep stern voice.

The genin were dumbfounded after being told what the lesson was supposed to be. Everything came to them as it all started making sense, they had worked together with the three scrolls. Why couldn't they do it now? Was it because back then, they had to in order to stay genin instead of going back to the academy?

Sakura took in the information her sensei dished out but kept a concerned eye on Sasuke who had staggered to a stand. His eyes held acknowledgment of what Kakashi was saying, if doing things his way would make him stronger then he'd play the part, though he knew Kakashi was no fool. He couldn't lie to the copycat nin, he may get his ass beaten for it but he'd be truthful with his sensei.

Naruto glared daggers at Kakashi, he had hurt his teammate and given them such a simple mission to do yet they couldn't figure it out, they couldn't get past their own selfish agendas to help their team and work together. Most of all he blamed himself for not figuring it out sooner like Kakashi sensei had expected of him.

"Are you ready to take my training seriously yet?" The silver-haired man asked, pointedly looking at Sasuke's direction.

The trio stood the straightest they could after such a show and synchronized together "Hai Sensei!"

"Then let's get started. In my hand" Kakashi started, pulling out three identical looking silver bells "are three bells. Parts of the next phase is within each bell. Find the clue, find the answer. Not hard" Kakashi finished before throwing a bell to each of them who caught it with ease.

His charges looked at their bells in confusion.

Kakashi took a minute to look at them before jumping away, giving them some time to figure it out, if they could.

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