‘You do know that you have the whole week to do that, right?’ A cool voice asked from behind me.

‘Yes, I-’I turned around to face Ace but I also caught a glimpse of Sean Williams – one of the cutest boys in school, almost as hot as Ace – walked through the door.

‘Oh, come on Ryvre!’ Ace slid into the chair next to mine. ‘You know it would be simpler if angels stayed single... especially broken angels.’

‘Save the lecture.’ I shot him a bored look. ‘You act like you’re a ‘bad boy’ but really you’re not – so stop acting like it!’ I had no idea where that came from. ‘Sorry...’ I finished my research and bookmarked my page, ‘I don’t know where that came from... sorry.’

‘Don’t be. It’s possible that there is a black-soul around.’ Ace scanned the room and his gaze locked on to Sean.

‘No!’ I threw back my chair and began to look through the books on the shelf behind me. ‘All the students here are either broken angels or human. There has never been an angel that has found their twin at this school – they’re all broken.’

‘There’s a first time for everything.’ Ace stood up behind me.

I reached for a book that said ANGELS AND SOULS and begun to pace as I flipped through the pages. Halfway through pacing I walked into someone which made me drop the book.

‘You know you’re a quick reader,’ the person joked. I looked up to stare straight at Sean, ‘here you go: angels and souls.’ He read the title.

‘It’s- Its homework.’ I lied, still mortified at how I just walked into him.

‘I’m hoping you’re going to Mark’s party on Saturday instead of studying?’ Sean smirked.

‘Yes... I am... we are.’ I gestured to Ace so the attention would be taken away from me.

‘Ace right?’ Sean asked and didn’t wait for Ace’s response. ‘Ryvre, it’s going to be one hell of a party! I’ll save you a dance.’ Sean winked and left. It didn’t affect me like Ace’s wink.

‘He talked to me!’ I squealed.

‘He’s nothing special.’ Ace grimaced with distaste. ‘I’ll go but... but promise me if I say ‘we’re leaving’ then we leave, okay?’

‘Okay.’ I shook my head. There was just the librarian, Ace and me in the library. I decided to try to freeze their minds again.

I could feel someone resisting and this time I managed to hold their minds for seven minutes. In English it had only been two minutes but there was, like, twenty minds.

‘What the hell?’ Ace whispered when I stopped.

My head was hurting so much. ‘Please, don’t start!’ I begged, not wanting to add to the pain.

‘Are you in pain?’ Ace asked, his eyes soaking in concern.

‘My head is killing me.’ I rested my head in my hands. ‘Why does it do that?’

‘Your powers are progressing but something is stopping them from using their full potential and whatever that is it’s causing the headaches.’ Ace said as he lifted my head up by chin. ‘Now let me help you... remember I have healing abilities?’ He reminded me in a gentle voice as he placed his hand on my forehead. Within less than sixty seconds my headache was gone. ‘Better?’

‘Yes... thank you.’ I said, a little amazed by how quickly it had faded. ‘Could you help me find that “something” that is stopping me?’

‘Absolutely,’ Ace smiled his “Ryvre’s Smile” again and I felt all warm and bubbly, ‘we’d need to spend a little time together... would that be okay?’

‘If you’re worried that I’ll fall in love with you, don’t be.’ I joked. ‘Oh... and my bark is worse than my bite.’ I made Ace laugh as I packed up my stuff.

‘I would offer with a lift home but I have to stay and do some research.’ Ace shrugged.

‘Nah, don’t worry about it,’ I smiled, ‘you know me: I can take care of myself.’ I mimicked his wink from earlier and walked out of the library.

When I reached the main gate, I paused for a second to look back. I consider running back into the library... but I shook it off. There was something... alluring about Ace. I pictured him smiling his “Ryvre’s Smile” and walked off out of the school and began the journey home.

Five minutes from my house, my phone vibrated. It was a message from my friend, Georgia.


I replied with, “SURE X”, even though I didn’t know if she was allowed to come over.

When I walked through the door I realised the house was empty as no one answered when I said hello. There was a note on the counter saying: Ryvre, working late and then going to dinner. Cook yourself something to eat, love Scotia and Seth.

I decided that I wanted Georgia to sleep over so I could have some fun instead of school work. Within twenty minutes Georgia was round my house with a pillow and bags full of clothes, makeup, sweets, magazines, films... etcetera...

We were lying on my bed, with music playing lightly in the background and Georgia was painting my nails, when she suddenly came out with, ‘have you got a thing going with the new boy?’

‘What?’ My jaw dropped and my voice was high-pitched.

‘I’ve noticed how you spent a little time with him and we’ve all seen the way he looks at you and the little flirty gimmicks he does when you’re around.’ Georgia smiled at me.

‘You need to get your eyes tested if you think that he’s into me.’ I laughed but a part of me secretly hoped there was some truth to her statement. ‘Sean spoke to me today.’

‘Sean Williams?’ She stopped painting my nails for a couple seconds. ‘He spoke to you?’

‘Yes and he’s saving me a dance at Mark’s party on Saturday.’ I boasted.

‘Go for it girl! You can’t say no to Sean! He’s one of the most popular and cutest boys at school! You date him, you’ll be going to loads of parties and you’ll get more friends!’ Georgia insisted.

‘What are you going to wear on Saturday?’ I asked, trying to change the subject.

‘I might wear my little red cocktail dress.’ Georgia said, referring to the dress that looks like she’s wearing barely anything. ‘You should wear something sexy to grab Sean’s attention.’

I wasn’t so sure if I wanted his attention. ‘I’m going to stick to my jeans.’ I would either feel exposed, spoil the dress by spilling something down it or I would be freezing.

Georgia shook her head, ‘fine, take the safe way.’

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