"I told you I knew wanted to see you again," the man said.

"You act like I wanted to see you again," Tony retorted which earned him a glare from Steve for being rude. Tony ignored it.

"Bruce, you remember Peter," Steve said next.

The man, Bruce, looked past his friends to see their not so little boy. Peter got a good look at Bruce now too. His brown hair was graying and he wore a dark blue T-shirt and gray pants.

"Ah, so that's why you're here," Bruce said noticing Peter's baby bump. Peter shuffled back and forth on his feet, feeling uncomfortable.

"Darkness tried to take the baby already," Tony informed. Bruce sighed and Wade looked around, feeling like he was probably the most confused out of the five.

"Wait, so is this guy supposed to help us keep our baby?" Wade asked just wanting his baby girl and Peter to be safe.

"And how do you know my dad?" Peter asked his question also.

"Yes, I can help. I was the one that helped him when he got pregnant. Helped keep you alive," Bruce said with kindness laced in his voice.

"How?" Peter wondered.

"Look around, son," Bruce chuckled, "It's all right here."

Peter raised an eyebrow and looked at Wade. Wade just shrugged and began to pace around the small room.

There was test tubes on the counters filled with oddly colored liquids. There was more of these in sealed bottles behind glass cabinets. Peter furrowed his brow.

"So, what are these potions?" Wade asked.


"So, like magic?" Wade whirled around to look back at the older man. Bruce just shrugged ever so carelessly, picking up one of the bottles with a vibrant red tint.

"Something like that," Bruce replied, "But then again it's nothing like that. It's all science and...balancing relationships with the supernatural."

Peter's head was spinning, but he understood it now. People came to this guy for potions or whatever and it seals the deal they made with Darkness.

It's like a trade off.

Peter looked back at his parents who were already staring at him, waiting for a response.

"This is crazy," Peter breathed.

Suddenly, a door opened somewhere in the house. Peter was scared until he saw that this Bruce guy didn't seem to show any sign of panic.

A man came in to the kitchen like area now carrying a bow and a dead rabbit on an arrow. Peter grimaced in disgust and Wade's eyes widened in awe.

"Ugh, not you guys again," the man practically groaned, dropping his quiver of arrows by the back door.

"Nice to see you too, Clint," Steve said with a hint of sarcasm behind his kind tone.

"Yeah, I missed you the most," Tony said with a clear amount of sarcasm that couldn't be mistaken.

Peter stood of to the side of the room with Wade a few steps away, watching his parents' interactions. He noticed how the hunter, Clint, had hearing aids in both ears.

"What'd you trade your hearing for?" Peter heard himself ask. He really didn't mean to interrupt the current conversation, but his curiosity of his new discovery got the better of him.

Clint seemed to notice his presence for the first time now, cocking his brow at the teenager's pregnant belly.

"Smart kid," Clint stated, "Makes me wonder how you were dumb enough to get pregnant. And let me guess, he's the one that got you knocked up?" He asked, nodding his head towards Wade.

Wade's eyes widened at his sudden presence in the conversation before become extremely sensitive to the subject. He didn't speak, just moved closer to Peter to put his arm around his waist.

"Oh, this is rich," Clint chuckled deeply, "Darkness already came after you?"

Peter just bit his lip nervously. Whatever this hunter traded his hearing for, it left him a dark, rude soul.

"Alright, that's enough, Clint," Brice spoke up from whatever substance he was stirring. Clint rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," Clint dropped the dead animal in the sink, "I caught us dinner."

"Yay, food!"

Everyone whirled around to see where the voice came from. Another man entered from the same entrance Peter and his family did.

Peter could easily tell what this man gave up.

He was in a wheelchair.

"Finally," Clint sighed in relief, "Someone I want to talk to."

The man in the wheelchair had white, blonde hair and now wore a grin on his face. He opened his arms to Clint and Peter was shocked to see the man actually crack a smile and hug the crippled man.

"So, you do have a heart," Tony commented dryly.

Clint glared at Tony over the handicapped man's shoulder. Steve was going to say something to his husband about being respectful, but he knew Tony would just brush it off.

"Clint is only nice to Pietro, don't take it personal," Bruce stated, "But you guys are seriously getting in the way. Tony, I'll make what you need to counter Darkness, but that's it."

"That's all I need," Tony agreed, "I just can't let Peter and Wade pay for my mistake."

"Choosing to save your own life is not a mistake," Steve grumbled lowly, hating to think about it. Tony just rolled his eyes. He would have died in a heartbeat for Peter to live, but he couldn't leave Steve.

"So, I just have to drink some crazy colored potion and the baby will be okay?" Peter wondered.

Clint and Pietro had already left and Wade had unconsciously wrapped his arm around Peter's now larger waist.

"You're going to have to take it like regular liquid medicine. Just a little bit everyday. Since you still have time left in your pregnancy, it should work in time to make your baby an Untouchable," Bruce informed without even looking up from whatever he was mixing.

Peter chewed his lip anxiously, only hoping this concoction helps save his baby girl.


Hopefully this chapter explained more !

I feel like I haven't updated in forever...


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