Chapter 23

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I left the bathroom door close behind me, smiling like a serial killer. Slightly stumbling, I advanced back towards the bar. Cool, steel fingers grasped my arm and I glanced up, my vision slightly blurring. Marco had moved from his booth and had pulled me to a stop. We were far enough that the inhabitants of the booth couldn't see us or hear our hushed words, mine not so hushed.

"Mario!" I half yelled in an exaggerated Italian voice as he grimaced down at me, "hey, I thought we weren't supposed to be - you know -" I pointed at his concrete hold and then at my mouth in a 'talking' motion.

His disapproving frown deepened. "Maybe you should go upstairs and get some sleep, you have drunk too much."

"Noooo, I always seem to be asleep Marco! Thats all I seem to do now! Hell, I've forgotten what my life was like before all this, and why do you always wear a tux?! And, I can't remember when the last time I had a square meal was! I want pizza! Do you think they do pizza? You should eat pizza, I never see you eat, are you a vampire?" I began ranting, throwing my limbs around like a stroppy child.

"Marco" Came a demanding voice from the booth.

"Polo," I muttered under my breath, giggling.

He pulled me behind him slightly as he turned towards the voice. "One moment, Eric."

A man stepped from the confines of the leather seats and adjusted his suit. I peered around Marcos body at the man, he had black hair that he had messily brushed back with a clean shaven face. He was the same height as Marco, maybe even taller. I gawked at how handsome this man was, I couldn't decide who was more beautiful, Marco or this Eric.

Blue eyes rested on me, despite the obstruction that was Marco. "What are you attempting to hide from me, Pacciello?" He turned steel eyes upward to Marcos tense face. His British accent seemed like a totally different universe compared to all the Italian I had heard.

Marco stepped sideways, stiffly. I suddenly felt too exposed for comfort, my once roaring mood now tamed and timid.  Plus, Marcos body was acting as a safety net in case my balance deceived me.

"Well, hello there, little one." He scanned me with steady eyes. I smiled politely, focusing on the floor as my face reddened. I felt so small under his penetrating gaze. "Why don't you join us?" He motioned to the booth, stepping sideways. 

Marco moved to protest before Eric lifted a hand and fixed him with a gaze that could cut glass, "Pacciello, I insist." His eyes dared Marco to defy him.

I nodded, "uhh, yes, okay."

Seeming satisfied, he addressed two people who were sitting quietly trying not to fidget, "Please, leave and I will call on you when I need you. We need to talk, in private." They nodded, seeming faintly relieved as they picked up their drinks and moved from behind the table.

He directed me to the side of the booth that he had just exited. Keeping my eyes down, I slid across the leather seat and rested my hands in my lap. Eric slid in next to me, faintly brushing my arm with his. Marco slid in opposite, his eyes wary as he tried to meet my gaze.

Eric seemed perfectly calm as he turned his attention to Marco, "Three drinks, Marco. You know what I like." Marco looked surprised, his gaze moved from Eric to me hesitantly before his jaw clenched and he left, making his way towards the bar, leaving me alone with this intense, intimidating man.

"Look at me, Rose." I looked up with eyebrows raised. 

"You - uh - you know me?" I brushed hair behind my ear as I studied his face above mine. 

He smirked, "well, I know of you, yes. Pacciello informed us on your parents. I'm sorry, the situation is very... unfortunate." his eyebrows crossed as he stared down at the table.

"Yeah, uh unfortunate," I removed my eyes from his face, instead letting them travel down his body. He had both elbows rested on the table, showing muscles that bulged under his pristine suit.

I felt eyes on me and I glanced up, my eyes meeting his. He was observing me thoughtfully, we stared at each other, he was so... intoxicating. The noise of drinks slamming down on the table shattered our concentration and we both turned simultaneously toward Marco. He had returned, seeming a little flustered as he stared at us. His eyes remained narrowed as he spoke harshly, "Here".

He pushed two glasses of dark liquid toward us. Then removed a plate containing pizza and chips from a tray before throwing it down on the seat and pushing the food toward me. I bit my lip to avoid giggling as I tried to find my voice to thank him.

Eric watched our exchange thoughtfully before throwing his drink back and then clapping his hands together, "Theres much to discuss, lets begin!"


A/N: Hey guys! I know this is a short chapter but another is already in progress and should be up in the next couple days!! Thanks for all the support and the comments! Your inputs help navigate and create this story! So any fun ideas, let me knoowww!

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