Chapter 11

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I woke up, gasping and sitting up. 

"Hey, hey, hey," an unfamiliar voice cooed next to me. I flinched away, almost falling off the bed. Looking around, I noticed I was in Marcos room. But it was full of strangers. I hugged my knees to my chest as I studied each face, they were mostly men. Most wore tuxedos, they were very tall and brawny. There was a couple girls, they wore expressions that looked like they could cut glass with a stare. They were all silent and staring in my direction, some leaning and some standing bolt upright. I moved over all the faces, recognising Aldo standing next to Marco. Marco was also wearing a tuxedo, his looked a little disheveled compared to the other mens and the collar was undone. He was rubbing a hand against the back of his neck before returning it to his pocket as my eyes fell on him. He was staring at me with a cold, hard gaze that gave me shivers. "You look like you've seen a ghost," the voice beside me spoke again. Glancing over, I saw it was a young woman. She had brown hair tied up and a tanned complexion. 

"She was shot." Marco snapped, still holding the terrifying demeanour. There was a cold sweat making my hair curl against my forehead and my neck.

I turned to the nice woman, "Wh- what happened?" I asked, shakily. She sat on the edge of the bed, I moved. As soon as I did, a pain shot through my rib. I yelped, looking down to find my side covered in bandages under my top. But it wasn't my top, I was wearing one of Marcos' shirts.

"You were shot, by one of the attackers the other night."

"The other night, how long have I been asleep?"

"About two nights."

I raised my eyebrows before glancing around the room. Everyone seemed restless and awkward. Apart from Marco. Marco stood and shone like a beacon of ice, his expression was terrifying. His cold eyes never straying. I dropped my glance, was he mad at me? What had I done to upset him? Get shot? Oh sorry for getting blood on the floor of the club, jackass.

"Why is everyone here?" I murmured to her. 

She chuckled, "Don't worry, we are done here anyway. Goodnight Rose." She rubbed my arm lightly and smiled. 

"Wait, whats your name?" I asked as she rose to her feet. She was the nicest person I had met since I got here.

She smiled, "Allegra,". I smiled in return before she walked towards the door, everyone else following her. As everyone departed, I laid my sweaty head against the bed frame and closed my eyes. Letting out a sigh, as I heard the door shut. Maybe I should shower, I lifted my head and opened my eyes. 

Marco was still here. I jumped, thinking he had left with the others. "Marco," I greeted as I tried to slow my breathing. He had his back against the door with his arms crossed. His intense eyes still pierced me, his jaw clenched.

"Rose," he said, only his lips moving. We stared at each other for a minute. I couldn't hold the gaze for another moment, it felt like he was cutting into me. I looked down, gingerly stepping from the bed and slowly making my way to the bathroom. As I got to the door however, a strong arm blocked my path. I looked up at Marco, who glowered over me. Confusion dominated my expression. He leaned over me, his eyes bore down into mine as he searched them. "What aren't you telling me, Rosa?"

"Wh-what?" I croaked, wincing at his brisk words.

He moved away from the door, taking slow steps towards me. I backed away, stumbling a little as he advanced. "Those men at the club, they were from another mafia, Rose. Big people. They were after you. They weren't just attacking us. They were sent for you." His icy words made me flinch. 

"You think I knew?" My voice broke, "You think I wanted to get shot? That I led them here when I have been your prisoner this entire time?!" My voice was rising. His expression never changed, he just carried on towards me. 

"I don't know, Rose! Why are they after you?! I thought you didn't have anything to do with the mafia!" His voice rose too.

"Your guess is as good as mine!" I tried to be as overbearing as him, but it wasn't working. "If I am such a problem, why didn't you just get rid of me like you were going to before we were interrupted at the club that first night!"

"It turns out you may be of use to us! Even more  so now!"

"Great! Just great!" I waved my hands about, still moving backwards. "You don't own me! You can't keep me here! I don't even - " My back hit the wall, making me jump.

He carried on walking until I was caged between the wall and his body, he tilted my head up so I was looking straight up at him. HIs eyes were no longer ice, but fire. He bent down, his snowy gaze penetrating me. His cool breath washed over my face as he spoke. "Oh, but you see, Petalo. I can keep you here because you are mine, as far as anyone cares." He pinned me to the wall using his body as he glared down at me. "and if you keep disobeying me, you will be leaving." He leaned down until his lips met my ear before whispering, "In a body bag."

I was on the verge of tears as he stepped back with a cutting smirk. Turning on his heel, he strides out of the room. Locking the door behind him. I sank to the floor. Desperately trying to control my pulse, ignoring the pain that emanated from my wound.

Would he ever let me leave? This was my hell and he was my personal Satan.

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