{Chapter 29 : Thunder}

Start from the beginning

As the thunder fell to only a subtle growl, Vinny's smile faded. He wanted to reach out to Kailan—to comfort him, but things weren't that simple. He'd done enough damage for one day, and even now, he felt as if he were crossing boundaries he had no right to cross.

He sat up, looking to Kailan for a fleeting second, and pushing himself to the edge of the bed. "Night, Kai," he said, but as he raised the curtain of blankets before him, the thunder clamored once more; juddering the windows beside them, and causing the glasses in the kitchen to quiver as if they too feared the sound.

Kailan started and covered his ears again, curling into himself as the building seemed to tremble with him. "Don't," the word barely left his mouth as he felt his panic take him over. How could something so simple terrify him so much?

Vinny sighed and slowly sunk back into the bed. Staying wasn't an inconvenience to him, but for Kailan's sake, he'd really hoped the worst of the storm had gone. "Come on. It'll be over soon, they never last too long." He lounged back into the mattress, reaching to the hands that shielded Kailan's face and drawing him gently by the wrist. "Just lay down."

Kailan withdrew a deep exhale and followed Vinny's grip. He hated how defenseless he felt, but he pushed the bitter feeling aside as he gave Vinny a rather weak smile. "Thanks," he said lying back beside him.

For all he knew the storm could last all night, and the thought itself turned to an anxiety, sitting heavy atop his chest. He wanted it gone, but for now he was thankful for Vinny. He'd always done his best to help with the storms. Still, a fear was written on Kailan's face. Even as he laid on his back and drummed his fingers atop his stomach, his expression was paved with worry.

The thunder seemed to subside, but it was tricky in that sense. Drum away in a calando, only to return when you least expect it. As the lightning flared against their fortress, they could see only a fragment of warm hues sneaking through the gaps in the blankets. It was otherwise dark, and comfortable in that sense.

Vinny felt his chest heave, a reflexive, silent sigh. Not because of the storm, or the wind that battered the outer walls of their home, but because he had already lost himself in Kailan's features. It felt like so many times now he'd caught himself staring, but he found solace in this moment. Kailan was too nervous to notice anyways, anxiety in every shallow inhale. It lurked in the tap of his fingers, and the tense expression on his face, but Vinny forfeited to a smirk as he watched him. There was nothing funny about Kailan's fear, but it made him human. And though seeing him struggle this way was never pleasant, as Vinny counted all of the storms they'd endured together, he never despised a single one.

It was the one time it felt as if Kailan could depend on him—even if he never asked to.

Kailan would have been fine if the storm stayed as it was—uncomfortable, but a dash of stress was nothing he couldn't cope with. Tonight, the skies weren't in his favor. The storm picked up, the thunder shouting in his ears like a howling banshee. Everything felt to shake around him.

"It's getting worse," Kailan practically wheezed out the observation, pressing the heel of his palms into his ears. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," hushed curses slipped past his lips in repetition. But despite how much he willed the storm away, it was only becoming angrier. It had been a long time since he'd gotten through one without his medication.

The first was the night he'd nearly killed Jason. But that storm was fleeting, and part of it was sure he'd caused it himself. It didn't make the situation any less terrifying, but seeing Jason lifeless on the ground was enough to distract him until it had passed. He had nothing now. No lighting to sketch in, no television to divert his attention. He was verging on a panic attack. He could feel rising in his chest, clawing at his lungs. He could feel his body tremble and his breath run shallow.

And then suddenly, he could feel warmth.

A hand cupped the side of his neck, thumb tracing the square of his jaw. He lowered his hands from his ears, turning to look with hesitance. But before he could make sense of the situation, he was pulled closer. He hadn't time for a single breath before Vincent met his lips.

He kissed him slowly, and firmly, and there was hardly room for air between them as Kailan returned the favor. It almost felt natural, as if it was something they've always done. As if it was nothing new—no big deal. As if this just was what friends did. But Kailan lost himself to the comfort of the exchange, and there they lingered on one another's lips, breaking their touch only to draw in small breaths and kiss again. The thunder clattering around them became only a whisper in the background.

All of his thoughts had ripped away from the storm. They were on Vinny now. On his touch and his scent, and his taste. But there was a nagging reminder that caused Kailan to pull away: Vinny was straight.

He withdrew from his lips, pushing Vinny's hand away and bidding space between them.

Kailan felt confused, surprised as he searched Vinny's face for an answer. But Vinny too seemed taken aback by his own impulsive affections.

"Well, that's new," Kailan whispered through a breath. He felt a bit lost, looking away from Vincent for a moment to gather his thoughts. "Vinny?" He turned back with a questioning look. He wanted an explanation. "What was that for?"

Vinny drew air in rigidly. He hadn't planned for it to happen.

"I don't know," he whispered, shifting onto his back. He searched the ceiling for reason, but none came to mind. There were no excuses for it. He kissed Kailan because he wanted to. Because he had wanted to for a long time. And because he'd seen him die today and he knew now, just what he had to lose.

And yet, the idea of anything changing between them terrified Vincent. Already, he could feel a tense discomfort lingering in the silence. It was stupid of him. He'd made a mistake.

"It's been a weird day," he said quietly, turning his back to Kailan, "Sleep. While the storm's died down."

"What?" His tone fell flat as he glared at the back of Vincent's head.

Whatever the hell was going on with him was only leaving Kailan confused and agitated. Vinny was easy to read when it came to anger—but this... this was something else. And the fact that his motives were veiled away frustrated Kailan, but instead of demanding an answer, he resigned with a sigh and tossed his blanket over himself. He wasn't in the mood to prod—too tired to pick Vinny apart.

"Yeah, whatever," he muttered, watching the wall with tired eyes.

Then that silence fell over them both.

Almost in a cruel irony, the storm seemed to come to a stop after that. Vincent laid awake, reading the fabric fibers in the blanket before him. He was too anxious to sleep now, so he stirred, making out the distinct sounds of the rise and fall in Kailan's patterned breathing.

Eventually he'd turned to observe him, watching his sleeping face—as stoic and passive as the one in his dream. He pulled himself up to a sit, and crossed his arms atop his knees with a soundless sigh. It would be strange, but Kailan wasn't one to hold onto things like this. Vincent could lie—tell him it was only a way to distract him from the storm. Kailan might not believe him, but they could move on that way. Nothing had to change.

But the thought of that made his chest ache. He'd been wanting to kiss Kailan again from the moments their lips had separated. There was something so addicting about it. Something nicotine couldn't contend with.

"This is going to be rough," he laughed the words, hushed and bittersweet, and he reached out gingerly to brush a lock of hair Kailan's face. He was a light sleeper, but Vinny was chary enough that he hardly stirred, but for the gentle parting of his lips.

With a sinking defeat in his chest, Vinny turned and rose slowly from the bed. The storm was over. Kailan didn't need him there anymore, despite how much he wanted to stay.

He lifted the blankets and dipped beneath them, dropping the hem from his fingertips to sway in his wake. But as his footsteps faded, Kailan opened his eyes.

With a curious gaze, he watched Vinny disappear into the darkness.

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