Chapter 27

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(A/N I suggest playing the acoustic version of Fall by Justin Bieber during this chapter;) )

The Girl Next Door

Chapter 27

(Brooklyn POV)

The two of us stayed silent for about 10 minutes without looking at each other or saying a word. Finally Niall looked up from his hands but not at me. He looked across the room at his guitar he left here last night. The memories from last night flooded in my head. The way I sat in between his legs and how his arms wrapped around me to get to the guitar.

He got up not making contact with me and grabbing his guitar and putting the strap around his shoulder. He strummed a few chords then began playing a familiar tune.

I recognized the song right away, it was 'Fall' by Justin Bieber. This was one of my favourite songs, I was a HUGE Biebs fan and I new Niall was too.

Before I new it he was singing..

'Whoa, ooh

Well, let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right.'

He finally make eye contact with me, his light blue eyes now were a pale blue greyish colour. He sang the lyrics never breaking contact with me. His voice was perfect and he hit every single note with ease.

He was now sitting on the edge of my bed dipping it slightly, He slowly moved his way closer to where I was sitting.

'Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love

But you can't fly unless you let yourself,

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

Well, I can tell you're afraid of what this might do

Cause we got such an amazing

friendship and that you don't wanna lose

Well, I don't wanna lose it either

I don't think I can stay sitting around while you're hurting babe, so take my hand.'

He continued to strum the cords and sing the lyrics to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

'I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

If you spread your wings

You can fly away with me

But you can't fly unless you let your... let yourself fall.'

He finished the song and took his guitar strap off his neck.

"I'm sorry." He spoke, "I didn't mean it when I said it was a mistake to come here, coming back was the best feeling in the world."

"Ni, don't be sorry this is all my fault." I began. "Prom was the best night of my life, It couldn't have been better."

Niall grabbed me in his arms and embraced me in a hug.

"I don't ever want to fight with you ever again Brookie." He mumbled into my ear.

We pulled apart from our hug and the smile on his face grew causing me to smile like an idiot. My eyes focused on his now perfectly straight teeth, I liked his old teeth it added character to him. My eyes then found his pink lips that I wanted so badly pressed against mine. His eyes met mine and our lips connected in a kiss that I so longingly wanted.

The kiss didn't get to heated it was passionate and sweet but I still got the same butterflies in my stomach. We pulled apart and Niall spoke up.

"Brook, can we try 'us' out?" He asked nervously.

I smiled, "Yes, Niall."

His face it up and he hugged me tightly.

"Now that means I can do this whenever I want." He smirked then leaned in and kissed me again.

Butterflies grew in my stomach and my heart fluttered.

"I almost forgot, here's your present!" He smiled handing me a envelope.

I took the envelope from his hands and opened it. I pulled out a slip of paper.

Flight 372 to Mullingar, Ireland

Seat B aisle 4



"OMG NIALL THANK YOU!" I attacked him with a hug.

"No problem Brookie." He hugged back, "We're all going, the boys are coming too!"

"REALLY?!" I almost screamed.

I read the plane ticket and relized the flight was.. TOMORROW?!

"Niall when am I gonna pack?!"

"Uhm.. Now?"


I basically through all of my clothes from my closet into my suitcase and packed some essentials like my toothbrush, hair brush etc.

About two hours later I was packed, I was exhausted. I passed out along with Niall on my bed, the last thing I thought about was Niall. I was dating my bestfriend.


"WAKE UPP LOVEBIRDS!" I heard Louis scream.

"What? You know?" I asked shooting up.

"We do now." Liam perched in.

Argh. I hid in the sheets and Niall's warm body wrapped around me as I did so.

"Aw Brookie and Nialler sitting in a tree K-I-S."


"Ouch that hurt."

I ignored him and closed my eyes again.


"What?! We are?" I pretended I didn't already now about it. Niall gave me a confused look but I ignored it and looked back at the boys who had shocked expressions across their faces.

"Oops." Louis said running out of my room followed by the other boys.

"Why'd you say that?" Niall asked.

"To get them to leave." I cuddled back into Niall's chest and closed my eyes.

He chuckled and cuddled back.

"Babe, I really wanna stay here with you but we really need to go get ready."

"Fineee." I groaned and got up and finished getting ready.

Let's go back to Ireland...




BROIALL! Who ships it?


Sorry it was short but! 2 updates TODAYYY! YEEE

-Melly :) x

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