Chapter 11

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The Girl Next Door

Chapter 11

(Brooklyn POV)

Maura and I arrived back home, we said our goodbyes and took our seperate ways.I made my way to my porch and opened the front door.

I ran up the long staircase and into my room dark room. I hopped on to my bed an flopped right on my face.

Why was I so clumsy?

I turned around so my head faced the ceiling.

How long will Niall be gone? The thought of him never coming back made tears form in my eyes.. Soon enough I was crying myself to sleep.


*Monday morning*


'Beeep beeep beeeep' my alarm clock sounded.

I flopped out of bed and turned on my shower, I stripped off my clothes from yesterday that I fell asleep in and stepped in the shower.


I finished getting ready for school, my outfit was a pair of black leggings and one of Niall's baggy sweaters. I through my hair up in a messy bun and applied mascara. I slowly made my way downstairs and made cereal, then I put my homework that I did over the weekend back in my bag. The doorbell rang which usually meant Niall was here.

Niall was in London..?

I opened the door and was face to face with a guy with familiar shaggy brown hair and big brown eyes. Niall's friend Justin was here to walk with me because he wasn't here.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hi." I answered and grabbed my bag.

The sun was out and it was warm. It was almost May and we have had nothing but cold weather, so this was nice.

We started walking on the side walk to the school.

"So is Niall in London yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, he got there yesterday." I looked up at him and his deep brown eyes were looking in mine.

I have to admit.. He was pretty cute. I liked how his hair kind of blew in the wind and- OMG STOP. You don't like Justin!

But I don't like Niall either.. But maybe I do..ARGH! This was so confusing!

"Brooklyn?" A voice asked taking me out of my thought.

"Sorry.." I apologized but I feet my cheeks burn up in embarrassment.

"It's fine!" He giggled.

Omg his laugh was the most adorable thing I've ever heard.

Brooklyn stop...

We arrived at the school yard and a bunch of guys and girls that usually sit with Niall and I approached Justin and I. Of coarse I never talk to any of them.. Once again I am pushed away from Justin like I was with Niall the first day of school.

I began walking toward the door when I hear my name being called behind me.

"Brooklyn!" The voice called. I turned around and see Justin running towards me.

"I'll see you later, okay?" He said with a smile.

"Okay." I respond smiling. He turned around and ran back to the group of friends who were looking over at us.

I entered the school and went to my first class.


In the hallway I hear my name.

"Hey Brooklyn."


"Um hi." I respond.

"I've been meaning to ask you something." She said suspiciously.


"Are you and Niall dating or something because your like always together." She asked.

I nearly choked on my spit, "no!"

What?! Why would she even care anyways?

"Good!" She snapped and slammed her locker door. "When he comes back he's mine, got it?"

With that she walked off.

WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I was in complete shock.


At lunch, I stepped into the cafeteria and made my way over to an empty table. I looked over at the table I usually sat at with Niall and all his friends. I made contact with a pair of brown eyes. Justin motioned me to come sit beside him, he patted the seat next to him. Then I made contact with another pair of brown eyes but this time they were darker. Her curly brown hair dangled off her shoulders perfectly. She gave me a death glare.. I looked back over at Justin and shook my head. No way was I going over there.

I pulled out my phone from my front pocket of Niall's hoodie.

6 new messages.

All from Niall. Crap.

I clicked the first one;

To: Brooookie

From: Niall

'Hey Brookie! I just landed :) Xx'

Then I clicked the second one;

To: Brooookie

From: Niall

'Night Brook:) ily Xx'

Then I clicked the third;

To: Brooookie

From: Niall

'Brooklyn answer me, please:('

Then the forth;

To: Brooookie

From: Niall

'Did Justin walk you to school?'

Then the fifth;

To: Brooookie

From: Niall

'Brook I'm getting nervous, why aren't you answering? I thought we were okay.. :('

Then the sixth;

To: Brooookie

From: Niall

'Im heading to bootcamp now, I'm scared...D: '

OMG. I haven't answered him! Argh I feel horrible!

To: Niallller

From: Brook

'Niall omg I am sooooooo sorry! I fell asleep when I got home from the airport and I haven't checked my phone since. I get it if your mad.. I hope everything goes well with bootcamp! ilysm<3 Xx'




I decided to keep going, if anyone out there still reads my story PLEASE STAY!

It's about to get intense...js

Anywaysssss I pictured Justin as Justin Bieber but when he was younger! So yeah:)

I hope you guys will continue reading!

I REACHED OVER 1,000 reads! OMG


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