Chapter 6

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The Girl Next Door

Chapter 6

(Brooklyn POV)

"I'm auditioning for the X-Factor." He spoke.

"WHAT? REALLY!" I scream jumping into his arms and giving him a hug.

"I'm so happy for you!"

I was honestly so happy for him, this was an amazing opportunity for him!

"It's this weekend, I want you to come with me." He smiles. "We'll have to drive to Dublin though."

"I would love to come!" I reply.

"Do you want to hear the song I chose?" He asked.

"YES! Go go go!" I guess I was a little too excited..

He chuckled and began to sing..

'Do do do do do do do do, ohh yeah..

I gotta change my answering machine, now that I'm alone,

Cause right now it says that we, can't come to the phone,

And I know it makes no sense, cause you walked out the door.

But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore...'

His beautiful voice filled my ears.


"Thanks Brookie." He thanked.

'Brookie' was Niall's new nickname for me.

I started calling him Nialler..;)

He was my little nialler !

------------later that night-----------

"Mom, Niall's auditioning for the X factor!" I began, "Can I go? It's this weekend in Dublin."

"Really? I didn't know he could sing! Of coarse you can go!" My mom beamed.

~~~~~~at school~~~~~~~~




Everyone was talking about Niall's audition as I walked through the hall to my next class.

I guess the news spreaded through the school pretty quickly.

"I heard that new girl is going with him.." A blonde and brunette said but then turned around to look at me.


She stared me down then looked back at her friend as I walked by.


Two hands got ahold of my shoulders which cause me to jump and squeal.

"SHHH!" A male voice shushed.

"NIALL! Really? You scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry Brookie!" He smirked.

We get into class and all eyes are glued on Niall except one pair.

Her deep brown eyes looked directly into mine and her eyebrows were knitted together. Her perfect brown locks rested on her shoulders and dangled down to her chest.

She looked mad?

I guess she saw.. All of that..


Night before audition


It was the night before my audition and I couldn't sleep.. Of coarse my nerves were getting the best of me

I looked over at my alarm clock.

2:57 the fluorescent green numbers read.

Hmm.. I stood up and found another one of my old rocks and opened my window.

I chucked it at Brooklyn's window

I saw movement though her window but I could barley see anything.

Her sleepy face appeared in her window

I got my whiteboard out and began writing.

'Sorry for waking you Brookie:(

But I can't sleep..'

She read the note and lifted her board

'Its okay nialler;) your just scared !'

She was right, I was scared..

'Come stay with me?:(' I wrote.

'Sure:)' she replied and disappeared out of the window.

I ran downstairs to the front door and waited for Brook. She appeared in a pink onesie with yellow rubber duckies all over it. I chuckled at her response of what I was wearing. Just pajama pants. She turned red. Ahahhaha!

We quietly went upstairs and went to my room. She jumped onto my bed and got comfy.

"Comfortable?" I whispered.

She doesn't say anything so I crawled in beside her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and fell into a deep sleep....

-----*BROOKLYN POV*-----

I was waken by a *TICK* I sat up and peered through my window.

Niall was sitting on his bed looking through the window. We went back and forth writing each other messages. He wanted me to come over so I wrote a note telling my mom that I was at Niall's.

'Hey mom,

Niall wanted me to stay over because he was nervous about his audition.

Love, Brooklyn '

I looked down at wait I was wearing. A rubber Duckie onesie. That works.

I left the house as quiet as possible and walked across the dewy lawn to Niall's.

He was standing in his doorway in nothing but pajama bottoms.


Niall chuckled but my cheeks began to burn up. We went up to his room and I got under the covers and got comfortable. He made a smirky comment but I didn't hear. The bed moved and his bare body pressed against my back an his toned arm wrapped around my waist.



Kinda loong chapter...? Idk.. But here's the chapter!!! Love me?;)


Any suggestions?


~Melissa xxxx:*

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