Corey's P.O.V

"Chloe what did you say to him?" I shouted.

"Why, what's happening?" she asked me frantically.

"He shifted and he's pissed. Chloe you need to calm him down! Whatever you said must've hit a nerve and an angry alpha is never good. Please Chloe you need to calm him down!" I begged her. Since I never asked her to do anything for me she will probably do what I say now.

"Corey, how the hell am I meant to calm him down when I'm miles away?" She asked.

"I'll put you on speaker and you just tell him to, and he will since you're his mate." I said in a matter of fact tone. She most probably rolled her eyes.

"Unfortunately I am." Was all she said.

I put her on speaker and slowly and quietly walked towards Xavier. I guess he remembered Chloe was on the phone as he started to lick the phone and whimper. Even though I hated his guts, I felt sorry for his wolf. His wolf wants his mate. "Chloe now." I said.

And as requested my stubborn little sister did as I asked. "Xavier, please calm down for me and shift back." She said. Xavier licked the phone again but he didn't shift. Luke walked towards the phone but Xavier growled and got in a position to pounce on Luke. "Xavier, please for me, shift back. If you care about me shift back." She begged as she most probably heard the growl.

Xavier immediately shifted back. He was naked and my dad put his hand in front of my mother's eye. Gosh are all alpha's this protective over their mate? 'You're going to be the same' my wolf said defending my father. I just scoffed.

Xavier stood up hiding little Xavier. He looked at me pleadingly. I just rolled my eyes and ran upstairs and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and shirt. I threw it at him. "I want those back as soon as you dry clean them." I said in a hateful tone. He just nodded his head.

Daniel stepped forward and snatched the phone off me. "Chloe!" he screamed.

He began talking to Chloe in Tongan, and I didn't understand one word he said, but they were probably talking about me since he and my father would laugh here and then. I glared at both of them and then looked towards Luke who stood in the corner of the room.

I walked towards him and punched him in the face. "You're a two face bastard you know that!" I walked back to where Daniel was and glared at him. Luke didn't do or say anything, I guess he realises what he did was a dick move.

Xavier's P.O.V

I immediately shifted back as soon as she said if i care about her. Heaven knows how much I care about her. I guess I always have but pride got in my way. I regret it and I just hope that her family will be able to persuade her to come back because I need her back and I obviously do not want her near Chase! And because she's not safe out there.

Her younger brother was talking to her on the phone and I could hear her laugh. I was happy to hear her laugh but envied her younger brother as I could never be the reason why she laughs or smiles.

'Baby, where are you?' Maya said through our mind link since I marked her as my mate.

'Why, what's wrong?' I replied

'I have great news babe, where are you I want to tell you in person' she replied back gleefully.

'No, don't worry I'll come back home and you can tell me then.' I said insistently. I don't want her to come here where Chloe can hear her and all my chances at getting back with her will be gone.

'Oh don't worry Luke told me where you are. I'm nearly there!' she replied annoyed.

'Ok babe.' Oh no I need to make them hang up on Chloe.

I walked over towards Daniel and was about to snatch the phone from him but Luke pushed me back. "NO! face this situation like a man Xavier!" Luke growled. What is this little mutt up to, telling Maya where I am? I was about to punch Luke but the front door slammed open.

"What's going on?" Chloe shouted from the phone. Crap, what am I going to do.

"Xavier baby! Where are you?" Maya said and just then I understand what Chloe means. Her voice really is squeaky. I scrunched my face up in dislike. How could I have never noticed that before?

A low growl came from the phone and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. She's jealous.

Chloe's P.O.V

"Xavier baby! Where are you?" an all too familiar squeaky voice said. I couldn't help but let out a growl. I slapped my hand over my mouth.

The phone was quiet for a while and I looked at it and it's still connected. I turned it on loud speaker in case so I can hear better.

It was a quiet for a while. I was about to say something but the squeaky voice beat me to it. "Xavier, I'm pregnant!" and just like that my heart was ripped out once again.

(A/N werewolf pregnancy is fast)


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