Forgotten in the shadows [boyxboy]

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Hey there, Alex here! I am DearlyFox's best friend in the world! He said I could write a story on here, so here it is! I dedicate this to mine and Dearlyfox's friend who just commited suicide early this morning, September-25-2011. He was soooooooo sweeeeet, He didn't deserve to die, anyways, onto the story!

Please vote and comment for him! He was a great guy!

Forgotten in the Shadows!

"......He's just so stupid! He doesn't belong in this house! He is emo, a bad influence on our youngest child, Daniel!" My father yells, probably to my mother.

I hear her whimper, and I can almost feel her nod her head in understanding. "Yes Howard, I guess your right, he doesn't belong in this household." My mother says, her voice low, but I couls still very faintly hear it.

"Good, now all we have to do is go get our good-for-nothing son and kick him out." My father said, probably smiling with joy.

"You don't have to do that, Thomas. I am already on my way out." I say, stepping on the last step of stairs, and turning the corner, where my mother and father looked at me shocked. My brother Daniel looked at me with sadness written all over his face. At least I know he would miss me...maybe.

"How much did you hear, Asa?" My mother said, hesitantly. [(Asa is pronounced: A . sss . a) Hope that helps, and if not, tough fudge!]

"I heard enough, I heard enough the past month. That's right. I have known you wanted to get rid of me for months now, so I guess you can have your wish, Thomas, I hope Daniel can rise to your standers like you wanted me to, but I failed, I guess. Goodbye to you too Ann." I said, using my parents first name, knowing they'd hate it. I honestly had no respect for them now.

"Don't you dare call us by our name, Asa!" He said, as I walked to the front door, ignoring my mothers cries, and my brothers pleads to make my dad shut up.

"Sorry kiddo" I said to Daniel, as I ruffle his hair and kiss him on the cheek before walking further toward the door.

"Asa, once you leave this house, you can never come back. Ever!" My father screams, making me smile brightly. Why I was smiling, is beyond me.

"I thought thats what you all wanted." I said, my voice scarly calm.

"We do." They both said.

"Good, because I don't want to be with two fucking bastards that don't even love their own child! I am fucking 16, and glad that I don't have to listen to you talk shit about me anymore! Rott in hell!" I scream at them, before swinging the door shut and running away.

"Yeah, run away and don't ever come back you good for nothing douche! We resent ever making you!" My father screams, as he steps out the door and onto our small porch.

I don't turn back. Can't turn back. I flip him off, and carry on walking.




Sorrry if it's really short, just not feeling writing it bigger, with my friend and alll.......hope you enjoyed it! :D

[Has not been spelled checked, or edited, so don't kill meh!]

Forgotten in the Shadows [boyxboy]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora