Hi, May I Take Your Order?

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Zayn: 13

For most of Zayn's life, the boy never really felt he had a place to call home. Sure, he still loved his mother - even though he wished she would protect him from Tyler a bit more - but that didn't mean home for him actually felt like a home. Compared to all of his friends, Zayn knew there was something wrong with his household.

At his friends' homes, when they were in trouble they'd be lightly scolded by their parents or told it would be discussed later...never did the parents yell or punish them in front of guest - that was the first sign Zayn noticed. Then there was the fact that the parents actually talked to their kids with interest in mind. Never did they ask if they got in trouble or if they failed anything, and rather the questions were always asked in a positive way. So yeah, Zayn knew his home wasn't really a home but rather just a structure.

However, as time went on in Zayn's life he began to realize a home doesn't necessarily be your own home, it just has to be somewhere that you feel safe in. Somewhere you feel comfortable. And Zayn began to develop that comfortable feeling each time he went to Cup of Joe. From the moment that the man behind the counter introduced himself, Zayn would find himself going to the shop everyday even if it was just to say hi.

Often times the boy wouldn't buy something - seeing as though his money was limited - but he when he could he made sure to spend at least something there. However, even on the days he couldn't buy food or drinks, he often ended up with one anyways because Joe would accidentally make an order that was never placed or someone would just conveniently forget to grab part of their order. So as months went on Zayn continued to go each and everyday, and Joe even began to look forward to the young boy's visits.

It didn't take an idiot to figure out that Zayn's home life wasn't the best. I mean, Joe could tell that just by the look the boy would give when he stood up to leave every afternoon. However, Joe never could imagine it to the extent that it was at...well, that it until one day.

It was just before the beginning of summer and Joe was biking down to the cafe from his girlfriend's house because the weather was too nice to pass up on the offer. Seeing as though the fastest way to the cafe was through the park, Joe got on the path that led throughout the park, smiling occasionally at people he passes and just overall smiling at the views he passes. It isn't until he gets to the end of the trail that he notices something that doesn't seem right.

The park is in a generally nice area - suburban Manchester where kids were practicing football and families were having picnics - which is why seeing someone asleep on one of the benches surprised him. He never noticed a homeless problem in the park before, so he decided to investigate it a bit. The man stopped biking, place his bike against the side of a trash can before making his way over to the figure, and that's when he felt his heart stop.

"Zayn?" Joe asks in bewilderment upon seeing the child he's grown so accustomed to seeing on a daily basis. Gently, Joe begins to shake the boy awake until Zayn's eyes are shooting open and he's practically hopping off the bench.

"Wha-what time is it?!" Zayn asks in a frantic manner.

"Nine," Joe replies, eyes still wide. "Zayn why are you sleeping on a bench? Where are your parents?"

"M'late, I have to go," Zayn says as he stands up from the bench, and just as he goes to grab his book bag Joe grabs ahold of his arm. "I-I-I'll explain later, m'sorry I'm late."

And with that Zayn yanks his arm away before he's running off in the direction of the school, leaving his book bag at the bench seeing as though Joe had grabbed it before he could. The older man was obviously confused by the reaction - as well as concerned - however he decided to trust Zayn when he said that he'd explain later.

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