Chapter Seventeen

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Shira's body stung all over as she woke up, and the cold metal around her wasn't helping at all. She looked around to find herself in a dirty interrogation room from Starkiller Base. To make it all worse, she finally noticed Kylo standing a few feet away from the door. Even though he had his helmet on, she could feel his anticipation.

"I don't want to be here." she muttered, looking away from him. He checked behind him for any storm troopers before taking off the helmet and walking towards Shira. Her glare made him shudder.

"I didn't want to do this either," he confessed. "Snoke wouldn't let you go just like that."

Shira rolled her eyes at this. "Why can't you just kill me and get it over with?"

"For the millionth time, Shira, I don't want to and I would never do that." Kylo exasperated. "I love you," He whispered, looking down at his feet.

"So you're attempting to convince me of staying by babbling and strapping me to this weird, uncomfortable thing? Nice try, First Order." She replied sarcastically.

"Shira, just hear me out. I don't want this for you, I want you t be safe." He said sincerely, not wanting to go into detail with all the premonition thing.

"See? You're just too attached." She resolved. Kylo nodded his head sideways. "Kylo?"

He looked up and met her eyes. "Let me go." She said softly with her voice almost breaking as she finished. The look in her eyes - it was one of resignation. She seemed to not care about life itself anymore, well, not that he did either. Maybe she still loved him, but surely there was something she was hiding. Perhaps the truth would be too painful  for him.

Kylo saw a single tear slide down her cheek, followed by a hushed sniff. He walked towards her and cupped her face, making her look at him and wiping away her tears with his thumbs. With this gesture, Shira started crying harder, unable to help herself for her limps were cuffed to a metal platform.

"I can't," he sighed, feeling a lump forming inside his throat.

"I don't want to hurt you," she whispered, mostly for herself but she still wanted him to listen.

"You already did..." He sniffed. Hearing this, Shira opened her eyes. He was looking down again.

There, she cursed herself for being so stupid, she had hurt him so bad. She could see it in his whole self. Shira broke him. More guilt built up inside her, making sobs escape her mouth uncontrollably. Kylo pressed his forehead to hers, weeping silently.

With the Force, he undid her cuffs. Almost as if it was choreographed, Shira's arms wrapped around his neck as she let herself fall into his embrace.

"Kylo, I'm so sorry," she hurried against his chest.

He held her face to face him again. "Please tell me you won't leave again,"

She looked into his intense, glossy eyes. "I'm scared, Shira. I don't know what's right anymore. The only thing that feels right is well... you."

"I won't," she whispered, and leaned slowly to kiss away the lonely tear that was rolling down his cheek. "I love you," she added. It felt like she hadn't said in so long... he could have forgotten she did. Maybe things weren't so sure, but at the time Shira felt safe.

Maybe, just maybe, things weren't really that bad. They'll find a way to live through it.

They always do.


Shira sat on the snow, not caring about the cold beneath her. Her eyes were lost into the fading star above her. It looked like it was gold melting into the base, losing itself in the horizon.

Kylo sat beside her, but he wasn't looking at the sky. He was staring at her, trying to figure out what was going through her head. She knew he was staring, but didn't care to acknowledge it.

"How can something merciless be so beautiful?" She said breathlessly. Kylo didn't reply and looked up himself. She turned to him and watched how he stared up in an expression she couldn't decipher.

He didn't want to say anything. He didn't want to ruin the moment. A small smile played on his lips when he met Shira's eyes, noticing she had been staring.

"Remember how we used to do this all the time when we were younger?" She asked, smiling back. Kylo took her hand.

"What? Staring at each other and then pretending we weren't?"

Shira nodded.

"Nope, I never noticed you staring, and if I did, I'd convince myself you weren't." He replied to his own question. Shira shook her head sideways.

"Insecure Ben," she said, mimicking Luke's tone. Kylo gave her a playful glare. "You get offended too easily." She pointed out.

"I guess it runs in the family," he said, referring to Anakin Skywalker. Shira returned that glare.

"You're not that nuts." She defended.

"So far," he let out a nervous chuckle.

"I don't feel like listening to your pessimism right now, Mr. Ren." Shira mocked.

"I don't feel like listening to your mockery, Ms. Dawnrider."

"Whatever," she looked up again. The star being drained now was barely visible and it was mostly dark around them. The footsteps of night shift storm troopers crunching against the snow were heard nearby. A shiver ran down Shira's back.

"We should go back inside." Kylo suggested. Shira nodded and followed behind him into the base. As they walked towards his study, they ran into that asshole.

And by that asshole I mean Hux.

"I see you got Dawnrider back," He pointed out, looking at her from up and down. Well, she was actually a mess after being in a fight, kidnapped and crying her eyes out.

"Fuck you, Hux." Shira retorted. Hux rolled his eyes.

"Childish as ever," He mocked and kept walking.

"Ugh, I hate that guy." She muttered through gritted teeth once they entered Kylo's study.

"Everyone hates each other around here." Kylo replied plainly.

"I don't hate you," She said, sitting down on the arm of the chair he was reading on. He pulled her onto his lap.

"You didn't act like it a while ago."

"I wanted you to leave me alone," Shira sighed.

"I don't want to be alone," he pouted, but behind the joking tone there was a much more profound sea of sadness. Shira turned and kissed his forehead.

"You're not."

Kylo closed the book and laid his head back, closing his eyes. Shira rested her head on top of his, and ran her fingers down his back.

I'd rather be alone than have you dead, he mentally corrected himself.

A/N: UPDATES UPDATES AND MORE UPDATES! Somehow I found time to do so and produced this short chapter. So if you glad Shylo got over their fight then vote and comment!

Bye, wookies.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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