Chapter Four

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Hey there! I decided Shira would be "played" by Yvette Monreal (she was Reagan in Faking it). Just picture her with a lighter eye color. And merry Christmas!
That is all, wookies.

One month later...

It was the night before they were named Jedi's. This time it was Ben who couldn't sleep, so he asked Shira to accompany him to the library. She was fast asleep after just reading for less than five minutes. But Ben was too busy to notice.

He was reading about the Dark Side's beliefs once again. It just angered so much how the Jedi hid information from the people and resigned from any emotions. Perhaps it enraged him so much because of his ever growing feelings for Shira. Ben would never admit it, but he didn't see her with the same eyes anymore.

He closed the book shut and sat next to Shira. His mind was going wild. It came to him as a headache, but he knew it was the darkness consuming him.

Ben's eyes laid on Shira one last time. He kissed her forehead and whispered "I'm sorry." Even though deep down he wasn't


Shira's eyes shot wide open. Something was not right. Ben could be in danger...

She gripped her saber tightly and walked outside of the library cautiously. The room closest to her was the girl's dorm. She pushed the door open. The first thing she noticed was the silence; no breaths were heard. Uncertain of turning on the light, she ignited her saber instead.

Startled, she nearly dropped it. Everything had blood on it. The dead force users were sprawled across the floor with their throats open. Now it was all clearer - why she felt decaying inside. She could feel the muffled cries of terror.

Before it was too late, Shira sprinted into a run to Ben's room. Maybe he went to bed and was too lazy to wake her up. But why didn't that sound believeable?

But when she got there, the room was empty. Before she could think about anything she heard a muffled sob coming from the boy's dorm. Shira walked this time, knowing there was danger ahead.

A cloaked figure towered over a scared boy. It slayed his throat without hesitation. She didn't want to believe it, but she could sense Ben in the room. The person turned around.

"No," she muttered. Looking at Ben standing a couple feet away from her, with blood on his face. It had to be a nightmare. She closed her eyes and breathed in, vainly trying to wake up. Still, she could feel him closer.

"Shira, if you let me explain," Ben started, cupping her face with his hands. Shira opened her eyes, almost forgetting how to speak. "we could escape now, and I'll explain. Everything seems clearer now."

She took a deep unsteady breath and nodded her head sideways, knowing that speaking would make her cry. Ben leaned in closer and pressed his lips to hers. Even if Shira had ever imagined it before, the fluttering heart and trembling hands... there was nothing worse than being kissed by the one you love, and tasting nothing but blood from an innocent child.

She knew it was time to act and inmediately pushed him away with all her might and force. He dropped his saber as he fell, and she pointed hers at him.

"Get out." She commanded, doing her best to ignore the hurt look on his face.


"Get out before you regret it." She added, tightening her grip on her saber's hilt. Ben stood up and took a step towards her again.

"GET OUT!" She screamed and broke down into sobbing. He gave her one last resentful look and walked past her. "AND TAKE YOUR STUPID SABER!" She said, throwing the off hilt at him and slamming the door afterwards.

Shira listened to his footsteps until he disappeared down the hall. The realization came right then. She fell down on her knees. All her mind could picture was the dark look on Ben's bloody face. That was not her friend. She turned off her saber and set it aside, and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Shira?" A fragile voice whispered. One of the boys wasn't dead.

Shira hurried towards him. She kneeled besides him and lifted his head to look at him better. It was Sax, one of the kids she helped Master Luke train. She laid his head on her lap and looked into his agonizing eyes, brushing the hair off his face. Ben had stabbed the boy on the abdomen, but Sax was strong. She knew he was holding on to the Force.

"Is this what dying feels like?" The boy asked, cringing in pain.

"I don't know," Shira sighed. The only experience she had calming people was with the one she least wanted to remember in the moment.

"I'm scared... I feel like- like I'm fading." Sax looked at her, worry tainting his eyes with tears.

"Hey, there's no reason to be scared. I'm with you." She whispered softly, stroking his hair.

"I won't hold on much longer," Sax sniffed, his eyes rolled back a little but he managed to stay fixed on her.

"This is all like a bad dream, Sax." She started, mostly to herself. "You'll wake up in a better place. With no dark side... No Ben."

Sax nodded, wanting her to go on. "You'll meet all the dead heroes. You could go on adventures to other galaxies and discover the brightest stars." Shira looked down at the boy, his eyes were closed now. He didn't look scared anymore.

"Sax?" She worried. "Sax, don't leave me. I lied; I am scared." But Sax was already somewhere else. Shira finally let herself go and broke down in tears. She couldn't care less about becoming a Jedi. She was alone.

"Shira," she heard Luke's shocked voice.

"Its too late." She sobbed, burying her face into her hands. "He's gone."

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