Start from the beginning

“You know what I’m going to get out of this dress and then how about we get something to eat I am starving” Aimee quickly left to go get dress.

Okay something is so happening between her and Joel and I am going to find out.

We left the store after paying for the dress. I am so glad that we found my dress for the homecoming game halftime show at the first shop we stopped at because to be honest I don’t know what I would do if I had to wait another two hours in the next shop waiting. And I still have tons of homework to do when I get home.

“Okay lets go eat some dinner so that we can go home” Aimee suggested

“Okay how dose Chinese buffet sound to you?” I asked as we walked pass it.

“sure I haven’t had that in a while, and I love to eat with the chop sticks” Aimee said happily. I don’t how she can eat with chop sticks I could never get a hang of it. Even Luke can eat with chop sticks. I remember the first time I tried to eat with chop sticks. I was with Luke and his family for dinner at a Chinese restraint and Luke tried to show me how to use one, and I accidentally flung a peace of my chicken, hitting the waitress in the face with it. I have never been so embarrass in my life and now every time I go eat Chinese with Luke he always makes fun of me about it and laughs.

Aimee and I got a seat and went to go get our food. By time I got back Aimee was already there with our drinks.

“So are you going to answer my question from earlier” I asked once again.

She took a deep breath before speaking. “Okay the truth is my boyfriend dumped me over the phone a month back and Joel was there when it happened and he was there to comfort me. Well one thing led to anther and we kissed” the look in her eyes told me she’s remembering it perfectly. “By time we stop kissing I reminded myself that I just got out of a serious relationship and told him I needed time. Joel told me that he could wait a life time for me if that what I want” she looked at me smiling “ I just couldn’t say no when he asked me to homecoming. I Just can’t resist geeks there something about them that I like and Joel is such a nerd, that I just couldn’t say no to him. So technically we are going to homecoming as friends but friends with more feelings. Were almost like you and Luke” she said with a knowing look. At least they like each other that way. I might like Luke more then a friend but I know Luke doesn’t like me like that.

“Well I wish you to the best of luck and maybe after homecoming you to will finally be a couple, and if you do become a couple make sure you tell me okay” after that was said we went back to our foods and ate In comfortable silence with a few comments about Friday night.

After I got home. I dived right in to get my home work done. It didn’t really take me all to long to get it done. It was only a few math problems and a few science question that needed answering too. I was just about to turn off my lights to go to bed when I seen Luke looking out his window with a pad of paper and pen. I smiled and grabbed my pad and marker. I miss doing this it’s been awhile. First with the fight and then with all the planning.

T; ‘Hey J ’ I wrote then turned it around for him to see

L; ‘Hey how did it go???’

T; ‘boring I hate shopping L ’

L; ‘LOL sorry to hear that’

T; ‘ yeah you sound real sorry’ I made sure he could see me rolling my eyes

L; ‘sorry about the dance’

T; ‘it’s okay I really didn’t want to go anyway’

L; ‘Oh’ he wrote looking like he was deep in thought

T; ‘gtg I’m sleepy Zzzz._.zzzZ’

L; ‘night, see u in the morn’

T; ‘night’

With that wrote I shut my blinds and got in my pj and went to bed. I just hope this plans works out better then the last.



Well I hope you all like that. I thought you guys disserve a little more Aimee and Taylor time.

So please





Fan J


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