Chapter 1

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           "Hello?"   I spoke into my hand phone. "Hello? Is this miss Charlie Denver?" The lady from the other line spoke.

"Um, yes. Who is this?" I asked.

"Miss. Please hurry to St Petersburg hospital. Miss Lana is near her end. Please hurry!"

        My eyes widened  at the nurse's words. Yes, my mother's life didn't last long but I never imagined she would leave so soon. After a three year battle with cancer, I just couldn't accept the fact I had to let my mother go.

        "Carl, I need to leave early" I say to my boss, as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. My eyes were brimming with clear tears, but I would never cry in front of anybody.

        "What's your prob, eh? Your song starts in ten minutes" Carl says as he folded his bigs arms. EmergencyI mouthed and reached out for my guitar case. Running to the exit doors, I tried my best not to let my emotions let me down.

          They noisy traffic in London instantly welcomed me when I exited the bar. The bustling night scene gave me a headache, especially because I was not in a good mood. People were walking here and there, and the vehicles travelled as if they were rockets.

          The dim light didn't help me see clearly, and I didn't know where to head to. Traveling to St Petersburg from my home was one thing. Getting there from the bar was another. Running to a direction my legs took me, I bumped into a tall figure.

          "You okay, mate?" The man asked. His voice sounded quite young, and like me, he had a big guitar case. Looking up, I saw his features. Definitely tall, long hair, lean body structure.

          "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry for bumping" I quickly said before taking of again. That was when I realized I didn't know the directions to the hospital.

         "Um, excuse me but do you know the way to St Petersburg hospital?" I say with a hint of hope.
          "Yeah. Down two blocks and turn right before you catch the bus" he directed me. Thanking him, I set off quickly to his directions.


        Fifteen minutes later, I was running along the long corridor of the hospital. To other people, I might have looked like a maniac, running in a hospital with a guitar and backpack. But I couldn't care for anything but my mom.

         "Miss Charlie?" A doctor in a white suit walked my way. "She- she?..." I stammered. Words didn't came out. Instead, tears did. I was so worried at the moment. Please let mother live. Please let my mother liveI prayed and prayed inside my head.

        "I'm sorry miss. She's gone. We tried our best. It was nothing we could do" the doctor said as he took off his glasses and wiped his own tears. 

       The news were expected, but my feelings were not. Immediately falling onto the ground, I sobbed uncontrollably. Several nurses came and consoled me, telling me to stay strong and to fight. For fifteen years, I've stayed strong, and pushed off my obstacles. For once, only once in my life, couldn't I let go and rely on something? I've been so independent I forgot to rely on someone.

          "She spoke of you till the last" the doctor said.
"She said you were a great daughter and you had done your job well. She's proud of you kid. She's proud of you"
          "Thank you." I managed to choke out. "Thank you for trying to save her. May I see her one last time?" I requested. The doctor nodded, gesturing me to the hospital room.

          I was nervous, and my whole body shook vigorously. How would you feel if you saw a lifeless body of your loved one? I was going to experience that feeling now.

         No words could ever explain the feeling that was in my heart when I saw my beautiful mother, eyes closed on the hospital bed. Taking a few steps towards her body, more and more tears fell from my sore eyes.

          "I love you, mom. I love you.... Please go to heaven and wait for me. Guide me along my path. You have been the best mom I've ever had. Thank god for giving me you. I love you."

         Holding her frail hand and giving it a gentle squeeze for the last time, I pecked her cheek before it was soaked with my own tears. For my whole life, I only had this one human being to clung onto. Now that she was gone, I was empty. I had no goal in my life anymore and I was lost in my path.

       "Thank you for being in my life."

           "She was a lovely mother, a lovely daughter, a faithful friend and a sister. May god help her find her way to heaven. Amen"

         The pastor went on and on about my mother's life, and how wonderful she was. This only made me feel worse, when I knew she wasn't going to be with me anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love the way people look up to my mother. But right now, all I want was a get away, whet I could forget everthing for just one moment in my life.

           "Thank you for coming. Thank you" I greeted each and every guest.  q Not many people attended the funeral, just a few relatives and some friends. It was nice seeing them, but I wasn't close to them like my mother. She was the only family member I really loved.

         "Oh Charlie! Poor dear!!!" My aunt Vicky came running in tears, embracing me in a warm hug. I greeted her and her daughter Laura, who was busy checking her nails. After everyone had gone back, she stayed to talk with me.

          "From tomorrow, you'll come and live with me and little Laura here. You'll have loads of fun, I promise." Aunt Vicky says, persuading me.

          "I'd love to. But I don't want to be a burden" I say with a smile. It was true, I'd never like to bother anyone and give them my troubles.

        "Nonsense dear. Pack your bags tonight and I'll pick you up at 12 afternoon."

         I gave her a nod and a smile, simply because she was kind enough to let me stay. Laura, on the other side, didn't seem to like the idea that I was going to be staying with her. I could tell from her really grumpy face.

          After every single person had left, I stayed in the church a little longer, enjoying the peace and silence that lay in the old building. There was two types of lives on earth. The chaos and the calm. I want a calm life. But I knew the next few moments in my life wouldn't be calm.

         That night, I cried to my heart, looking at all the photo albums from my crappy apartment.



Yay! One chapter up, loads more to go! So, what do u think of this chappie? Thank u truly for reading this!!!


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