Chapter 1

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Six o'clock in a Saturday evening during the summer break doesn't leave much anything for you to do.

You would have invited your friends somewhere except they were all on holidays and would only be back next week.

Being the good girl you are, you had already completed all your holiday homework. Your parents were still working as well.

Since your parents could not have any children, they decided to adopt you.

They were both very caring and loving, so you never had any want when you were younger.

Of course, though they gave you everything you ever wanted, they also disciplined you like any parents would their child.

Anyway, back to the scene at hand.

Due to boredom driving you slightly over the edge, you decided to do what any sane person would.

You decided to take a walk through the creepy woods near your home.

You know, to get some exercise and all.

Others in your neighbourhood always avoided the woods like the plague, claiming to have seen monsters and creatures roaming in the twilight hours.

Naturally, you brushed it all off as pointless superstition.

I mean, you had no idea what the author had in plan for you, so of course you wouldn't think there were any monsters.

You entered and cheerfully made your way deeper into the forest, dried twigs crunching beneath your feet.

Until you saw a lake, that is.

A fallen log was chilling at its banks, rotting and growing toadstools in some place, but still strong enough to hold your weight.


You sat down on it, breathing in the damp forest air while listening to the birds chirping overhead as they returned to their nest for the day.

Golden rays of ultraviolet light from the setting sun shone across the smooth surface of the lake, a blinding mirror.

All was peaceful, all was beautiful...

All of a sudden, you felt the atmosphere change. Birds stopped chirping and the forest fell quiet.

Too quiet.

The air was suddenly still, as if the forest itself was holding it's very breath.

Even the wind stopped blowing, instead opting to trail cold fingers down your spine.

"Jeefff! Where are you?" A high-pitched voice broke the silence.

You let loose a breath you had not realised you were holding and made a decision to go towards the voice as it continued shouting.

Curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction bought it back. You told yourself nervously.

But as you neared the unknown voice, it abruptly stopped.

At that moment, all your senses were screaming at you to run away, to go back to your house and stay there.

'Forget about everything here!' Your mind urged. 'Go back!'

However, being the curious girl you are, you decided to ignore common sense and continued on.

You'd only walked a few more cautious steps before a hand clamped down on your left shoulder.

You froze up, mind wandering back to the times where the neighbours told you about the terrible beasts lurking in the woods.

Big mistake.

Those thoughts combined with your already frayed nerves prompted you to let out a blood- curdling scream.

Creepypasta X Reader Welcome To Your NightmaresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon