Narissa, Tiara and Mila went into the hospital while I waited outside as I got a phone call.


Three hours later, I was standing outside the hospital talking to one of my clients on my mobile phone. Tiara's eye operation had been successful but I had not seen her yet. My phone had rung and so I was asked to exit the hospital to prevent electronic interference while I spoke on the phone. Narissa and Mila had gone in to see Tiara after the eye surgery.

I cut the call after speaking to my client and debated whether I should wait outside or enter the hospital again. As I was lost in my thoughts, my phone rang again. Mom was calling.

"Hello, Mom?" I asked, as I answered the call.

"Ah, Daniel... how's Tiara? How was the operation? Is she okay?" inquired Mom, firing questions at me in a hurry.

"Umm... the operation was successful, Mom, but I haven't gone in to see her yet."

"Oh, thank goodness! But why haven't you gone in to see her yet, dear?" I could hear Isma's voice too saying something to Mom at the other end of the line.

"Narissa and Mila went in to see Tiara. I got a call from a client so I had to exit the hospital. I'm standing in the parking lot now, that's why I'm talking to you. I was just about to go back in when you called."

"Oh, okay. You should go see her," said Mom.

Instantly, I heard Rina's voice at the other end of the line, calling out, "Danny! Tell Tiara to come home soon! We're all waiting eagerly for her, okay? Bye!"

"Yeah, I will. Bye!" I said as I heard a click and the call ended.

I went into the hospital and proceeded to meet Tiara in the room she had been admitted after the surgery. I walked over towards the room and saw Tiara and Narissa seated on the bed in the room. Mila was in Tiara's arms. Tiara was not expressionless or just staring ahead into space like she usually was. She was smiling as she looked down at her daughter in her arms.

As I walked into the room and stopped by the door, Narissa looked up and smiled. Tiara too noticed me and stared straight at me in disbelief. This was certainly the first time she was seeing me.

I flashed a smile, starting to worry why she was staring at me like that. It was making me uneasy. But what happened after that was just too unexpected and unbelievable for me to digest it. Tiara stepped a few steps towards me but what she said when she stopped made me freeze.

"Darien?" stuttered Tiara, "You... you're alive? You're here? You never died?" She was crying as she wrapped her arms around my neck and embraced me.

Huh? For a second, I felt totally numb and lifeless. I was speechless and stood completely still, absolutely shocked.

Narissa walked towards us and stopped by my right, glancing from me to Tiara and back to me, frowning in disbelief.

What was I doing? Why did I feel so numb? No, this is wrong! I'm Daniel, not Darien! Narissa is my wife! I love her and I know she loves me! But, why was Tiara hugging me? Why had she called me Darien?

I broke away from Tiara's embrace and stepped back. I felt like I had lost a part of myself. I glanced at Narissa, unsure of what to say or do.

"Why, Darien? Don't you recognize me? I'm your Tiara," alleged Tiara.

"Tiara, what're you talking about? He is not Darien; he is Daniel. My husband, Daniel. Are you sure you're able to see us clearly?" asked Narissa in disbelief.

Tiara glanced from me to Narissa and back to me again. Narissa and Tiara watched me, waiting for me to speak.

"Yeah, Tiara, I'm Daniel. Are you seeing everything clearly or is it blurred? Is that why you're mistaking me for Darien? I am Daniel, and I've always been Daniel. No one can change the fact that I am Daniel and this is my wife Narissa," I explained as I held Narissa's arm in mine. Yes, I said the right thing. But why did I feel awkward like something was wrong?

"I made a mistake," stammered Tiara as she stepped back.

Narissa smiled in relief as she inquired, "So, you can see clearly, right? This is Daniel."

"Yeah, you're right. I made a mistake." Tiara gulped and stepped back again.

Mila ran to Tiara's side, looking from Tiara to me puzzled. Tiara held onto Mila and smiled down at her daughter, amidst tears.

"Why're you crying, Tiara?" asked Narissa.

"Nothing. I'm just so happy I can see my baby. I wish I'd gotten my sight back earlier," replied Tiara.

"Alright, I'll go get the car. Let's go home, everyone is waiting for you at home," I said before I turned to go.

To be continued...

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